Reducing Non-Emergent Emergency Department Visits

Since 2006 the Commission has awarded six grants totaling more than $1.9 million to support programs that help reduce non-emergent visits to hospital emergency departments by helping individuals establish medical homes and utilize appropriate alternative venues for care.

Of the six programs funded by the CHRC, strategies for reducing non-emergent visits to hospital emergency departments include expanded or new primary care and behavioral health access points in underserved communities; targeted outreach to emergency department patients without insurance or a medical home; and linking emergency department patients with community providers for follow-up care.These programs collectively have served nearly 14,000 patients with an array of primary care, behavioral health care, and case management services.

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CHRC Grantees Reducing Non-Emergent Emergency Department Visits

grant name county
08-024 Upper Chesapeake Health Harford
08-023 University of Maryland Dept. of Family Medicine Baltimore City
08-022 Total Health Care Baltimore City
08-021 Atlantic General Hospital Worcester
07-006 Frederick Community Action Agency Frederick
07-005 Chase Brexton Health Services, Inc. Howard County
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