Integrating Behavioral Health Services

The CHRC has awarded 22 grants totaling $6.5 million in funding to integrate behavioral health treatment services with primary care services, including clinical integration strategies such as intensive case management services, co-location of primary care providers and behavioral health professionals, and deployment of primary care providers with expertise in behavioral health.  Collectively, these programs have served over 9,100 individuals, providing more than 61,000 clinical encounters and services.

Promoting access to integrated substance use treatment and mental health services as a means to expand access, achieve economies of scale, and promote public safety in Maryland is a priority of the Commission. Three of the integrating behavioral health service grants are “re-entry” programs, totaling $1.1 million, which targets currently incarcerated or recently released inmates of local correctional facilities who have been dually diagnosed as having a mental health and substance use disorder.  These grant programs, located in Harford, Prince George’s, and Baltimore counties, represent a coordinated response by local health departments, local detention centers, public agencies, and private non profit organizations to deliver multiple services to address multiple health and social needs to improve this population’s health outcomes and reduce recidivism.

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CHRC Grantees Expanding Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Services

grant name county
12-014 Mary's Center for Maternal and Child Health Prince George's/Mont
12-013 Walden Sierra, Inc. Southern Maryland
12-012 Way Station, Inc. Central Maryland
12-007 Lower Shore Clinic Lower Shore
12-006 Mobile Medical Inc. Montgomery
11-011 People Encouraging People Multiple
11-010 Mosaic Community Services Multiple
11-009 Prince George's Health Department Prince George's
11-008 Baltimore County Health Department Baltimore County
11-007 West Cecil Community Health Center Cecil
09-017 Somerset Health Department Somerset
09-014 Mid-Shore Health System Talbot
09-010 Baltimore City Health Department Baltimore City
08-028 Anne Arundel Mental Health Agency Anne Arundel
08-016 Way Station, Inc. Frederick
08-015 Harford Health Department Harford
08-014 Junction, Inc. Carroll
07-012 Walnut Street Community Health Center Washington
07-011 Union Memorial Hospital Baltimore City
07-010 Tri-State Community Health Center Allegany
07-009 Montgomery Dept. of Health and Human Services Montgomery
07-008 Johns Hopkins Bayview Baltimore City
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