About the Board

About the Board

The State Board for the Certification of Residential Child Care Program Administrators (hereinafter "the Board") consists of 11 members, of which 5 are representatives from various state agencies involved in the licensing and monitoring of residential child care programs. The Governor appointments six members of 3 are residential child care program administrators, 1 Residential Child and Youth Care Practitioner and 2 are consumer members. ​

The term of board member is 4 years. A board member may not serve more than 2 consecutive full terms. Board members must be residents of the State.

The consumer members may not (1) be a residential child care program administrator; (2) have a household member who is a residential child care program administrator; (3) have a household member who participates in a commercial or professional field related to administering a residential child care program; and (4) have had within 2 years before appointment a substantial financial interest in a program regulated by Maryland Department of Health and or Developmental Disabilities Administrations, Department of Human Services or the Department of Juvenile Services.

Board Members

Krystal Davis, Chair, Certified Program Administrator
Caroline Jones, Vice Chair, MDH, Behavioral Health Administration
Dante Scancella, Secretary, Maryland State Department of Education
Robin Harvey, Maryland Department of Human Services
Janet Furman, MDH, Development Disabilities Administration
Paula Regan, Consumer Member
Juanita Heaggans, Maryland Department of Juvenile Services
Julia Boice, Certified Program Ad​​<br/>ministrator
Ruby Daniels, Consumer Member
Joy Woods-Turlington, Certified Program Administrator
Vacant, Certified Residential Youth and Child Care Practitioner

RCCPA Board Info​​

The mission of the State Board is to protect children living in Maryland’s residential child care programs and to promote quality of care in the field of Residential Child Care through:

  1. Certifying and regulating RCCPAs and RCYCPs;
  2. Receiving and resolving complaints from the public, licensing authorities, courts, employers, insurance companies, and ​other certificate holders regarding RCCPAs and RCYCPs who may have violated the practice act and its regulations; and
  3. Setting the standards for RCCPAs and RCYCPs that reflect new and emergent developments in the profession.


The State of Maryland will provide qualified residential child care professionals to further the well-being of children living in Maryland’s residential child care programs.​​
