Requesting A Verification Letter (Letter of Good Standing)

For Board of AUD/HAD/SLP Only

(For The Board of Physicians and other professional Boards, please visit Boards and Commissions)

A type-written request must be submitted to the Board. The request must include the licensee’s name, profession, license number and current mailing address.

The request must indicate the Board or other entity and the current mailing address to which the verification letter is to be sent.


There is no fee assessed for a verification letter if the individual making the request is an active licensee with a license issued by this Board.

If the individual making the request does not hold an active license issued by this Board the licensee must submit a fee of $25.00 for the verification letter. Verification Letter fees are non-refundable.

An individual that holds a current licensee may submit the request by one of the following three methods:

Fax to: 410-358-0273;
E-mail to: (do not send attachments); or
Mail to Monica Wright,
Board of AUD/HAD/SLP, 4201 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215

An individual who does not hold a current license must submit the written request via mail along with the $25.00 fee to the Ms. Wright's attention as indicated above.​