About the Board

​Phone: 410-764-4787
About the Board

The Board of Examiners of Psychologists is a group of seven licensed psychologists and two consumer members appointed by the Governor to administer and regulate the laws regarding the practice of psychology in Maryland. The Board's mission is to ensure that consumers in Maryland receive quality psychological services in accordance with the laws in Maryland. The Board has been in existence since July 1,1981. The original Psychologist's Act was enacted into law in Maryland on July 1,1957 by the General Assembly. The Board functions include licensing psychologists, approving psychology associates, renewing licenses, reviewing continuing education, promulgating regulations, interpreting the scope of practice, educating licensees, and investigating complaints.

Board Members

Brenda L. Terry-Leonard, Ph.D., Chair
Shelley M. McDermott, Ph.D., Vice-Chair​
Stephen F. Bono, Ph.D
Reginald Nettles, Ph.D., CGP
Raj Razdan, Consumer Member
Kimberly A. Sanschagrin, J.D., Ph.D​
Samantha Rukert, Psy.D
Zeno St. Cyr, II, Consumer Member
Sybil Smith-Gray, Ph.D.​
Board Staff

Lorraine Smith, MA, MPH, Executive Director
Tamika Davis, Licensing Coordinator/ Deputy Director
Erin Turner, Administrative Aide
P. Morris English, MS, Investigator
Thinh Nguyen, Database Specialist
Brett E. Felter, JD, Assistant Attorney General​