State Advisory Council on Hereditary and Congenital Disorders

The State Advisory Council on Hereditary and Congenital Disorders advises the Maryland Department of Health on finding and caring for conditions present at birth and/or passed down from parent to child.

This Council was created by Maryland law  (Maryland Code, Health-General §§ 13-101 to 13-111).

Members of the Council are chosen by the Secretary of Health. These members include health care providers, lawmakers, and community members.

Maryland screens for over 50 different conditions. Among other things, the Council discusses adding new conditions to the list of screening tests completed after birth in Maryland.

When considering adding a new condition to Maryland's newborn screening panel, the Council reviews:

  • how often each condition occurs

  • how helpful the treatment is

  • the cost of treatment

  • the beliefs of the community

  • the beliefs of individuals with the condition

  • information given by experts


Upcoming Meeting

Meeting Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

  5:30 – 7:00 pm


Log-in information should be:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID:  838 6358 4495

Passcode: Z9b1Rz​


Dial by your location

 +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)


​Hereditary and Congenital Disorders Advisory Council Minutes ​ ​ ​


2023 Minutes 2018 Minutes
  2022 Minutes2017 Minutes
 2021 Minutes2016 Minutes
01/31/2024 2020 Minutes2015 Minutes
01/09/20242019 Minutes