​Provider’s Guide to Newborn Bloodspot Screening Disorders

The below tables ​outline the newborn​ screening information most important to Maryland providers, including the core and secondary conditions, when conditions are screened, unsatisfactory codes, and common report comments. 

​​​For more information on conditions, visit the following two websites: 

​Core Conditions

Core ConditionsPrimary MarkerTime Critical Condition
Propionic Acidemia (PA)C3Yes
Methylmalonic Acidemia (methylmalonyl-CoA mutase) (MUT)C3Yes
Methylmalonic Acidemia (Cobalamin disorders) (MMA)C3No
Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA)C5Yes
3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase Deficiency (3-MCC)C5OHNo
3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaric Aciduria (HMG)C5OHYes
Holocarboxylase Synthetase Deficiency (MCD)C5OHYes
Β-Ketothiolase Deficiency (BKT)C5OHYes
Glutaric Acidemia Type I (GA-I)C5DCYes
Cartnitine Uptake Defect/Carnitine Transport Defect (CUD)C0No
Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MCAD)C8Yes
Very Long-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (VLCAD)C14:1Yes
Long-chain L3 Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (LCHAD)C16OHYes
Trifunctional Protein DeficiencyC16OHYes
Argininosuccinic Aciduria (ASA)High ASAYes
Citrullinemia, Type I (CIT)High CITYes
Branched Chain Keto-Acidosis, commonly called Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)High LEU
HomocystinuriaHigh METNo
Classical PhenylketonuriaHigh PHENo
Tyrosinemia, Type ISuccinylacetone
Primary Congenital Hypothyroidism (CH)T4, TSHNo
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)Elevated 17-OHPYes
S,S Disease (Sickle Cell Anemia)FSNo
S, Beta ThalassemiaFSANo
S, C DiseaseFSCNo
Biotinidase DeficiencyAbsent BIONo
Cystic FibrosisHigh IRT with two disease causing variantsNo
Classical GalactosemiaGALT/Total GalactoseYes
Glycogen Storage Disease Type II (Pompe)Low GAAYes
Severe Combined Immunodeficiencies (SCID)TREC
(# of cycles required for PDR to identify TREC)
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS-I)Low IDUA + Positive GlysosaminoglycansNo
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (MPS-II)Low I2S + Positive GlycosaminoglycansNo
Fabry Disease (Not on RUSP)Low GLANo
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)Absent SMN1Yes
X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD)Elevated C26​​No
​Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency (GAMT)
Increased guanidinoacetate and guanidinoacetate/creatine ratio

Secondary Conditions

Secondary ConditionsPrimary MarkerTime Critical Condition
Methylmalonic Acidemia with homocystinuria
Malonic Acidemia
Isobutrylglycinuria (IBD)C4No
2-Methylbutyrylglycinuria (2MBG)C5No
3-Methylglutaconic AciduriaC5OHNo
2-Methyl-3-hydroxybutyric aciduriaC5OHNo
Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCADD)C4No
Medium/short-chain L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (M/SCHAD)C4OHNo
Glutaric Acidemia, Type IIC4, C5Yes 
Medium-chain Ketoacyl-CoA Thiolase DeficiencyMedium chains, only 1 case reportedNo
2,4 Dienoyl-CoA Reductase DeficiencyC10:2No
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase type I deficiency (CPT-I)HIGH C0No
Carnitine palmitoyltransferase type II deficiency (CPT-II)C16 +/-C18:1Yes
Carnitine acylcarnitine translocase deficiency (CACT)C16 +/-C18:1Yes
ArgininemiaHIGH ARGNo
Citrullinemia, Type IIHIGH CITNo
HypermethioninemiaHIGH METNo
Benign hyperphenylalaninemiaHIGH PHENo
Biopterin defect in cofactor biosynthesisHIGH PHENo
Biopterin defect in cofactor regenerationHIGH PHENo
Tyrosinemia, Type IIHIGH TYRNo
Tyrosinemia, Type IIIHIGH TYRNo
Alpha thalassemiaBartsNo
Hemoglobin CFCNo
Variant HemoglobinFVNo
Persistent fetal hemoglobin or Btta Thalassemia MajorFNo
Sickle cell traitFASNo
Galactoepimerase deficiencyWNL GALT, elevated TgalNo
Galactokinase deficiencyWNL GALT, elevated TgalNo
T-cell related lymphocyte deficienciesTREC
(# of cycles required for PCR to identify TREC)

​Newborn VS Subsequent Screening Breakdown​

AnalyteRoutinely Tested on 1st sampleRoutinely Tested on 2nd
Thyroxine (T4)​√​
TSH (Confirmatory test if T4 is low)
17-o-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OPH)
Immunoreactive Trypsinogen (IRT)
Galactose-1-P uridyl transferase enzyme (GALT)
Total galactose (galactose and galactose-1-P)
Acylcarnitine Profile
Amino Acid Profile
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency (GAMT)

Unsatisfactory Specimen Codes

​UNS 1
​Insufficient blood to run all tests
​UNS 2

​Specimen appears scratched or abraded by capillary tube or by rubbing against heel​
​UNS 3
​Specimen appears layered, clotted or oversaturated
​UNS 4
​Specimen appears streaked with blood clots
​UNS 5
​Specimen exhibits serum rings, or appears diluted, discolored or contaminated by alcohol or formula
​UNS 6
Filter paper stretched or wrinkled in blood collection process or contaminated by ink
​UNS 7
​Essential information for identification, categorization, interpretation and follow-up were not provided​
​UNS 8
​Blood spot was not dried before mailing to the lab
​UNS 9
​Unable to obtain satisfactory test result​
​UNS 10
​Specimen degradation noted; Unacceptable for some analytes​
​UNS 10
​Sample received more than 30 days after the recorded date of collectlon
​UNS 11
​​Specimen damaged or lost in transit to the lab
​UNS 12
​There was no blood in the circles
​UNS 13
​This specimen was received with no patient information​
​UNS 14
​Blood did not elute from filter paper thus preventing the reporting of accurate results
​UNS 15
​No specimen received; Parental consent refused

​Common Newborn Screening Report Comments

Unsatisfactory ResultsUNS may appear in any result field. A footnote explaining why the specimen was not acceptable will be printed at the bottom of the report. Reasons include improper specimen collection technique, damage or delay in transit, errors or discrepancy in patient identification.
Insufficient Milk FeedingIMF may appear in the result fields for amino acids and galactose. Valid results cannot be obtained unless the infant was on milk feeding for 24 hours before blood was collected. In addition, if the infant's feeding status is unknown and the date the specimen was collected is unknown, amino acids and galactose will be reported as IMF.
InvalidINVALID may appear in the T4 and 17-OHP fields. T4 and 17-OHP are valid markers for Congenital Hypothyroidism and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, respectively, in infants greater than 24 hours of age. If the specimen was collected before 24 hours of age, the results for these analytes are invalid.

INVALID may appear in the IRT field. The IRT test is invalid for infants weighing <1500 g at the time the specimen is collected.

INVALID may appear in the LSD field. The LSD screen is invalid for specimens collected <24 hours of age. If collected after 24 hours, the infant must weigh >2000g or be >34 weeks gestation at the time the specimen is collected, otherwise the results for these analytes are invalid.
BorderlineBorderline may appear in the result field for Acylcarnitine Profile. Borderline ACP results indicate elevations in ACP that are most likely secondary to pharmacologic effect.

Borderline may appear in the result field for IRT. Borderline IRT indicates this is the baby's first elevated IRT. These results are typically not reported for follow-up until the second IRT is elevated.

Borderline may appear in the result field for LSD. Borderline LSD indicates one of the enzymes is low but not in the abnormal range.
InconclusiveInconclusive may appear in the result field for LSD. Inconclusive LSD screen indicates more than on enzyme is reduced.

Inconclusive may appear in the result field for SMA and SCID screen. Inconclusive SMA or SCID screen means there was not enough DNA present to test for these screens.
IncompleteIncomplete may appear in the result fields for galactose, amino acids, IRT and LSD screen. Valid results cannot be obtained if necessary data is missing in order to interpret the lab results. Missing data may include date of birth, collection date, first feeding date and time, weight or gestational age.
TransfusionTRANS will appear in the result fields for the red cell enzyme tests (GALT, Biotinidase) and hemoglobin if the baby was transfused within 4 months of blood collection date. If these tests are performed within 4 months of a transfusion, the results will represent the status of the donor blood, not the baby's blood.

If a report for a PREVIOUS sample collected BEFORE transfusion also appears below the CURRENT report, and the results are Normal as defined on page 1 of this document, a retest at 4 months of age is not required. If no sample was collected before transfusion, a specimen collected 4 months after the last transfusion is required to test the baby for galactosemia, Biotinidase deficiency and hemoglobinopathies.