​​Mary​land HIV Statistics


  • ​​​​There were 714 people aged 13+ diagnosed with HIV in Maryland during 2023.

  • At year-end 2023, th​​ere were 31,956 people aged 13+ living with diagnosed HIV in Maryland.

  • Among people living with HIV in Maryland in 2022, it is estimated that 93.0% have been diagnosed, while an estimated 2,500 people with HIV in Maryland remain undiagnosed.

  • At year-end 2022, 1.1 million (1,093,147) persons in the United States aged 13+ were living with diagnosed HIV.

  • Maryland was ranked 14th among states and territories in adult/adolescent HIV diagnosis rates (per 100,000) in 2022.  


Maryland Annual HIV Epidemiological Profile 2023. Center for HIV Surveillance, Epidemiology and Evaluation, Maryland Department of Health, Baltim​ore, MD. 2024. 


​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimated HIV incidence and prevalence in the United States, 2018–2022. HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report 2024;29(No. 1). https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/156513. Published May 2024.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diagnoses, deaths, and prevalence of HIV in the United States and 6 territories and freely associated states, 2022. HIV Surveillance Report, 2022; vol. 35. https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/156509​.​ Published May 2024.

To request Maryland HIV/AIDS epidemiological data not found on the website, please email mdh.hivdatarequest@maryland.gov.


 Maryland HIV Data