​Established by the General Assembly in 2000, the purpose Children's Environmental H​ealth and Protection Advisory ​​Council (CEHPAC)  is to identify environmental hazards that may affect children's health and recommend solutions to those hazards.

CEHPAC reviews existing and proposed regulations and  is a source of information and education for the public, professionals, State agencies, the General Assembly and the Governor regarding environmental hazards.

Statute: ​Health­ General Article, §§ 13­-1501­-1506, Annotated Code of Maryland​​​​


A​​gendas & Minutes

All CEHPAC Agendas, Minutes, Reports

Our ​W​ork

Annual Legislative Reports

Topical Reports

Recent Reports, Positions, and Letters

Additional reports, positions, and letters from prior years can be found here​


Chair:            Subha Chandar, MPH, designee of Secretary of Health

Vice Chair:     VACANT, designee of Secretary of Environment

Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: 

MDAAlexander Lehmann
MSDEAlicia Mezu
DHSLisa Horne
Jack Daniels
Governor's Office for Children
Moises Valle-Palacios
Health care providerBen Gitterman
Health care provider
Laura Allen
Academic institutionKristen Rawlett
EpidemiologistMegan Latshaw
EconomistPaul Ferraro
ToxicologistNse Witherspoon
Private industryVACANT
CEJSCCamille Burke

Appointed by Senate President:  Senator Dawn Gile

Appointed by House Speaker:  Delegate Mary Lehman​​​

Staff:   Kylan Simpson (MDH)

Interested in applying for a position with CEHPAC? 

Please email Subha Chandar (subha.chandar@maryland.gov) and visit the Governor's Appointments Office website at https://govappointments.maryland.gov/.

For More Information:

Attn:  Subha Chandar, MPH
​201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD  21201-2301
(410) 767-5303

2025 CEHPAC Meetings

All meetings are virtual and open to the public.
Members of the public will be given the opportunity to provide​ their comments at the end of each meeting. Please email Kylan Simpson to receive emails about upcoming meetings.