Chair: Subha Chandar, MPH, designee of Secretary of Health
Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms:
MDA | Alexander Lehmann
MSDE | Alicia Mezu |
DHS | Lisa Horne
| Jack Daniels
Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services
| Christine Fogle
Health care provider | Ben Gitterman |
Health care provider
| Laura Allen |
Academic institution | Kristen Rawlett |
Parent/Guardian | Jovonne Walker |
Epidemiologist | Megan Latshaw |
Economist | Paul Ferraro
Toxicologist | Nse Witherspoon |
MACO | Dianna Abney |
Private industry | VACANT |
CEJSC | Camille Burke |
Appointed by Senate President: Senator Dawn Gile
Appointed by House Speaker: Delegate Mary Lehman
Staff: Kylan Simpson (MDH)
Interested in applying for a position with CEHPAC?
Please email Subha Chandar ( and visit the Governor's Appointments Office website at
For More Information:
Attn: Subha Chandar, MPH
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-2301
(410) 767-5303