Maryland Medicaid covers medically needed gender-affirming care based on the latest health guidelines. Medicaid will cover care without discrimination, generally following the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care and based on the latest health guidelines.
Maryland Medicaid encourages health professionals across the state, who have knowledge about transgender and gender expansive people and who provide gender-affirming medical and surgical treatments, to enroll as a Medicaid provider.
If you are a health care provider who wants to bill Medicaid for your services, you must enroll as a participating provider through ePREP, Maryland Medicaid's online Electronic Provider Revalidation and Enrollment Portal. For more information, see Provider Enrollment.
Electrology Services and Medical Tattooing Procedures for Gender Affirming Care Only
If you want to provide electrology services or medical tattooing procedures for gender affirming care, you will need to enroll through ePREP as an atypical provider and complete an application addendum for your provider type.
Clinical Criteria
- PT 52-24: Updates to Medicaid Coverage of Fertility Preservation Services for Iatrogenic Infertility, Effective October 7, 2023 - Issued January 4, 2024
- PT 46-24: Updates to Medicaid Coverage of Fertility Preservation Services for Iatrogenic Infertility, Effective October 7, 2023 - Issued December 12, 2023