FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions    

Q: Is JLG-RICA an accredited licensed program?

A: Yes. JLG-RICA is accredited by the Joint Commission (Joint Commission). To maintain accreditation, RICA is evaluated against a set of national standards through self evaluation and by a Joint Commission surveyor experienced in the delivery of behavioral healthcare services. We seek accreditation for our organization because we want to provide the best possible patient care and education to our students and their families. We view maintaining Joint Commission accreditation as another example of our commitment to excellence.

JLG-RICA is licensed by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene of the State of Maryland, Office of Health Care Quality (O.H.C.Q.) .


Q: How do I get my child referred to JLG-RICA?

A: Children and adolescents are referred to RICA primarily through their local school districts as well as through the Department of Juvenile Services, and the Department of Health and Human Services. All students must have individual educational plans, (IEPs), updated psychological testing and educational assessments.



Q: What is residential treatment?

A:   Residential treatment is a program of active psychiatric treatment that is provided under the direction of a psychiatrist and in conformity with an individualized treatment plan.


Q: What is a residential treatment center?

A: A residential treatment center (RTC) is a mental health facility for children and adolescents who have long-term serious emotional, behavioral and psychological problems.  The JLG-RICA RTC provides an open campus-based, staff secure, residential living environment for youth 11 to 18 years of age who require a therapeutic, academic, and recreational program.  The length of stay averages between 12 and 18 months.

RTCs focus on maximizing a youth’s development of appropriate living skills and enhancement of emotional and social development.  RTCs provide intensive services and should only be considered when therapeutic services available in the community are insufficient to address the youth’s needs. 


Q: What are the hours of operation?

A: Business hours for the administration building are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. RICA provides services to the residential population 24-hours a day. Visits and passes are arranged through each student's primary therapist.

Q: What are the main contact numbers for the organization?

A: Main number (301)251-6800; School Office (301)251-6900; Confidential Information FAX (301)251-6831; Main FAX (301)309-9004


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Q: Does JLG-RICA offer any training opportunities for psychology graduate students?

A: Yes. JLG-RICA offers an American Psychological Association (APA) accredited pre-doctoral psychology internship program in clinical psychology. We have a staff of nine clinical psychologists who are responsible for the training and supervision of three psychology interns.  For more information, please contact the Director of Psychology Internship Training: Dr. Heather Mann at (301)251-6942​ or email her at Heather.Mann@maryland.gov ​

Director of Psychology Internship Training – Dr. Heather Mann


For more in-depth current information about the program, please click on the following link to access our brochure.

Pre-doctoral Internship​ Brochure

There are other training opportunities available in the fields of Clinical Social Work, Expressive Therapies. For further information about these training opportunities please call the JLG-RICA main number at (301)251-6800 and the receptionist will direct your call to the appropriate individual.


Q: How do I apply for  positions with JLG-RICA?

A: You may send your resume through regular mail, email, or fax.  Please send your resume only once.

To mail:​​​​

The John L. Gildner Regional Institute for Children and Adolescents

Human Resources Office

15000 Broschart Road

Rockville, Maryland 20850


To fax: Fax your resume along with a cover sheet to: (301)251-6815. Please state 'Attention Human Resources'.

To email: Submit your resume as an attachment under the subject line“RICA Employment” to the Human Resources Department at:



Please indicate the position for which you are applying.

***JLG-RICA is ​​hiring***


Q: Will I be contacted after I send my resume?

A: JLG-RICA is a Fair Practices Employer. All resumes received will be forwarded to the appropriate department for review. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. After the interview, all prospective applicants will receive notification of their final outcome.


Q: What employment benefits does the State of Maryland offer?

A: Permanent employees with the State of Maryland working 20 or more hours per week are eligible for many benefits. To read and review these benefits please click on:


State of Maryland Permanent Employment Benefits



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