Per the Maryland State Archives (MSA), “Records that should never be destroyed that are no longer needed by the agency that created them for their day-to-day business should be offered to the State Archives for permanent retention.” See State Government Article §608 - 611 and COMAR 14.18.02.
The following criteria must be met in order for records to be transferred to MSA:
Records must be identified as permanent on the Program’s approved MDH Records Retention Schedule.
Records are no longer needed for current day-to-day business, as defined by the Program’s records retention schedule.
Records that pose a threat (bug infestation, mold, etc.) have been properly mitigated. Email for guidance.
The MDH Records Office is required to submit records data to MSA for review prior to a transfer taking place. MSA staff will review the proposed transfer data to determine if the records are eligible for transfer and notify the Records Office of the final decision. Please email the following information to
Series Name - The official name of the type of records as it is listed on the records retention schedule
Date Span - Inclusive dates of records intended for transfer (i.e. 1-1-2000 - 10-1-2012)
Records Retention Schedule Citation - Records schedule number and line item (Ex: Schedule 2913, Line Item 1B)
If the records are eligible for transfer, the Records Office will ask you to begin preparing your records for transfer, including completing the Transfer Inventory Worksheet. If the records are not eligible for transfer, you will be notified accordingly.
Completing the Transfer Inventory Worksheet
Records destined for MSA storage must be listed on a Transfer Inventory Worksheet. The Transfer Inventory Worksheet lets MSA know about the conditions in which the records have been stored and exactly what you will be transferring.
When completing the Transfer Inventory Worksheet, remember:
Worksheets should contain typed print only.
Use one worksheet for each type of record you are transferring.
All MDH programs (headquarters and non-headquarters) must submit completed worksheets to for review. The MDH Records Office will generate the required coversheet and batch number(s), and submit worksheet requests to MSA for review and approval. Inaccurate and incomplete worksheets will be returned to the requestor for corrections.
The MDH Records Office will coordinate records pick-ups and deliveries for MDH Headquarters programs.
MDH Non-headquarters Programs (LHDs, hospitals, residential centers, and certain facilities and programs) are responsible for coordinating records pick-ups and deliveries to MSA with their preferred vendor or in-house facilities personnel
All MDH Administrations (headquarters and non-headquarters) should contact the Records Management Office with any transfer inventory worksheet questions or concerns.
Once transfer approval is received, download and complete the
Transfer Inventory Worksheet.xls as described here. Click here to download a Transfer Inventory Worksheet example. Submit completed worksheets to for review and approval.
Preparing Permanent Paper Records for Transfer
Follow these steps to prepare the approved records for transfer:
- If you do not have State-issued records boxes, complete an MCE Credit Card Order Form and upload it to the MCE PO Submission Form.
- Leave the “Customer #”, “CP #” and “Credit Card Spending Limit” lines blank.
- The model number for the boxes is 123Q001.
Assemble boxes per MSA recommendations.
Pack and label boxes as outlined in Step 2 of MSA’s Records Transfer Process.
Submit completed Transfer Inventory Worksheets to Do not submit the Transfer Inventory Worksheet to MSA.