Treatment Mall Program
Eastern Shore Hospital Center H.O.P.E at Four Rivers Treatment Mall Program (Healing Opportunities Provide EmpowermentIn 2001, the ESHC was the first psychiatric facility in the country designed and built to incorporate a treatment mall program. The H.O.P.E. at Four Rivers Treatment Mall Program at the Eastern Shore Hospital Center (ESHC) was the first of its kind in the State of Maryland.
At ESHC, treatment is focused on essential components of recovery, including helping patients acquire skills for community living and continue the process of managing their mental illness. The Mall is an area where a variety of groups and activities take place throughout the day. Patients, along with their Treatment Team, develop an individualized schedule of groups based on goals identified in their Treatment Plans. Patients from the Nanticoke Unit (a secure unit) attend groups in the open Mall area, as their legal status and clinical conditions permit. Otherwise, a full schedule of therapeutic, recreational, and artistic groups and activities are also provided on the unit for those patients who are unable to participate in the open Mall.
The Mall and Nanticoke Unit Programs offer 4 cycles of groups per year with new cycles beginning in January, April, July, and October.
The Mall is open with groups from 9:30 AM to 3:15 PM, and each group lasts for 45 minutes with a 30-minute break between groups. Patients have free time from 11:30 am to 1:15 pm to go to lunch, to meet with clinicians, relax on the Mall, or to attend to personal needs.
Each cycle offers a weekly average of 100 traditional therapeutic, educational, self-help, practical skills, and leisure groups.
Family members may visit the Mall and participate in any Mall group with the consent of the group leader and group members.


Dining Room
Computer Lab & Library |
Main Street Corridor |
Adjacent to the Mall area are entrances to each of the hospital's 4 residential units. Along the Main Street Corridor, you will find the A. May Thompson Shop, Gym, Main Street Cafe, Dining Room, Computer Lab and Library, Bank, and Mall Coordinator's office along with meeting rooms that are used for group activities.
If you have any comments or questions regarding this site, please contact the ESHC Webmaster at 410-221-2470. |