Maryland has two new programs to support families with a child who was exposed to lead, including removing the lead from the home and providing in-home visits and support.
Healthy Homes for Healthy Kids

Maryland families with a child exposed to lead may be eligible to
have lead hazards removed at no cost if the child:
Is 18 years old or younger and lives in Maryland
Has a recent blood lead test of 5 micrograms per deciliter or higher
Is enrolled in OR eligible for Medicaid/CHIP
Spends 10 hours or more per week in the place (home, apartment, day care) where the lead exposure happened
To find out more about this program, call the Environmental Health Help Line toll-free at 1-866-703-3266 or email us at:
To find out more about this program, call the Environmental Health Help Line toll-free at 1-866-703-3266 or email us at:
Home Visiting for Children with Lead Poisoning
Families in the following counties may be eligible for in-home services to reduce exposures to lead and to asthma triggers, if the child:
- Is 18 years old or younger and lives in Maryland
- Has a recent blood lead test of 5 micrograms per deciliter or higher, OR moderate to severe asthma (child has frequent asthma attacks or is on a daily long-term controller medication)
- Is enrolled in OR eligible for Medicaid/MCHP
For more information, see program information for the specific county where the child resides:
For more information about the Case Management Program:
To find out more about either of these programs, call the Environmental Health Help Line toll-free at 1-866-703-3266 or email us at: