LTSSMaryland Training
**This website is intended for users of the LTSSMaryland system. If you are interested in learning more about Maryland Home and Community-Based Service programs please visit the Home and Community-Based Services homepage at
About LTSSMaryland
Welcome to LTSSMaryland Training! LTSSMaryland is a software program supporting case management and service delivery for several Maryland Medicaid Home and Community Based Service programs. The goal of LTSSMaryland is to integrate service coordination conducted across multiple programs into a centralized tracking system. One of the many benefits of LTSSMaryland is providing a single-entry point for service coordination activities such as applications, assessments, and billing.
This area is designed to provide training material for all of LTSSMaryland, including the Provider Portal and the ISAS Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system. To view training materials, select one of the links below.
- CO/CFC – Personal supports
- DDA- Personal supports/ Enhanced
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Home Delivered Meals (HDM)