​​​2023 Dental Board Appointments​​​

2023 Appointment Vacancies Available:

Dentists (3 Vacancies)

Dental Hygienist - (1 vacancy)

How to Vote:

Those who have an e-mail address on file with the Board will be sent an e-mail solicitation to vote.  That email will containt a unique Voting PIN and secure web link that will you to vote online from any smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. If you do not have an email address on file with the Board, or if you prefer to submit a paper ballot you are permitted to do so. To obtain a paper ballot, please contact Ms. Kathy Metcalf, Project Assistant at: (410)402-8533.

Important Dates:

October 12, 2022: Last day for a State Dental Organization affilated with a national organization and a State Dental Hygienist organization affliated with a national organization to register with the Board to be eligible to nominate a candidate for the election

October 18, 2022: Last day to file a Dentist Nomination Petition Form and Dental Hygienist Nomination Petition Form. 

​October 20, 2022: Those with an e-mail address on file with the Board will be sent an e-mail solicition to vote from the Board. The address of the e-mail will be that of vote@votegrity.net​.

October 20, 2022- November 1, 2022: Submission of online ballot.

November 1, 2022: Last day of Electrion Trust to receive your paper ballot. Paper ballot must be received by Election Trust on or before November 1, 2022 regardless of its postmark. 


  Nominations and Registrations