Targeted Case Management (TCM) Certificate of Approval

Targeted Case Management (TCM) Certificate of Approval

Application: 30 Days

​Cost: $0

Targeted Case Management providers are selected by the Local Behavioral Health Authorities (LBHA). Every five years, each LBHA, acting as the Department’s designee, completes a competitive procurement of TCM providers for their jurisdiction, resulting in the execution of a contract with one or more TCM service provider(s) for the provision of TCM services within its jurisdiction. BHA receives audit summaries from LBHAs after they conduct their annual site monitoring visit for providers in their jurisdiction. After reviewing the audit summaries, BHA determines whether the TCM provider will receive a certificate of approval. The certificate of approval signifies that the provider is in compliance with COMAR 10.09.89 and 10.09.90. A provisional certificate of approval is issued if the site visit findings indicate that the provider is not in compliance with COMAR. The LBHA will do a follow-up visit within 90 days of the initial audit to see if there is improvement. If compliant upon the follow-up site visit, BHA will issue a certificate of approval with a one-year duration.

 Ready to get your certificate?

Who issues the license?

Maryland Department of Health

Behavioral Health Administration

Vocational Rehabilitation Building, Spring Grove Hospital Center, 55 Wade Ave., Catonsville, MD 21228


Risa Augustus and Hannah Pellissier

Division of Treatment and Recovery 


Work hours: Monday - Friday 9a - 5p 

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give the Maryland Department of Health, Behavioral Health Administration the legal authority to issue this approval?