
Board of Acupunct​ure

Board News

The Spring 2024 Renewal Season has ended

Practitioners with a May 31, 2024 expiration date that did not submit a renewal or inactive status application are not authorized to practice at this time.  To resume legal practice of acupuncture and East Asian medicine in the State of Maryland a reinstatement application must be submitted.  To access the application click on the Apply For A License tab in the horizontal menu above and scroll down to the Reinstate Your License tab.   In addition to submitting your online [only] application (Step 1) and paying the associated fee of $751 (Step 2), proof of continuing education compliance – 30-hours of continuing education  or passage of the acupuncture exam given by the NCCAOM within 4 years from the date of reinstatement –.must be submitted directly to the Board by email, fax or mail (Step 3 - see information detailed under Board Office on the right).  The reporting period for earned continuing education units/credits, including NCCAOM PDAs is, June 1, 2022 - May 31, 2024.

NOTE: if you want to reinstate your license but your license expired in a past renewal period, prior to May 31, 2024, you may have to submit proof of 60-continuing education units/credits.  Please contact the Board if you have questions.

public health image

Welcome to July and Disability Pride Month!

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) a disability is any condition – vision, movement, thinking, remembering, learning, communicating, hearing, mental health and/or social relationships – of the body or mind that makes it more difficult  (impairment) for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions).

The CDC further shares that there is diversity in this population.  So much so that two persons with the same disability can be impacted in different ways.   Please visit the CDC website to learn more about persons with disabilities and to view the Disability Impacts All of Us infographic.

Disability Pride Month is directly connected to the passage of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.  In short, the ADA is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in everyday activities; including employment opportunities, purchase goods & services, and participating in State & local government programs.  This includes healthcare.  To learn more please visit the US. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, website - ADA.gov

The first Disability Pride recognition was celebrated in Boston in 1990.  According to AmeriDisability, the goal of the recognition is  to “...promote visibility and mainstream awareness of the positive pride felt by those within the disability community”,  Inclusivity (accepting the uniqueness of persons with disabilities) is essential to demonstrating disability pride

Of course, healthcare practitioners have an obligation to all their patients and for those with disabilities, reasonable accommodations may be required to ensure equal access.  To learn more about the impact of the ADA on your practice a resource you may want to review is the ADA National Network.

One of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s (ODPHP) July health observances is HIV.   ODPHP’s observance is timely because HIV is a disease that can be considered a disability.  Furthermore, discrimination based on disability and specifically HIV, is prohibited by Maryland Acupuncture Act §1A–309(13) and COMAR Standards of Practice

Additional disability resources that you may want to review are as follows:

  1. State of MD Commission on Civil Rights
  2. MD Department of Disabilities

DON’T FORGET that the Board has eliminated manual payments (checks and money orders).  Electronic payments are a convenience for Licensees and improves the efficiency of the services provided by the Board.  Board staff is excited about the progress made in this area of the operation and is appreciative of your cooperation. 



  • Fall 2024 License Renewal Season: October 1 - December 30, 2024
  • Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Day - October 24, 2024


Notice of Public Meeting

The Maryland State Board of Acupuncture convenes for its official Board Meeting six (6) times per year, on the second Tuesday in the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November. The Regular Session starts at 1pm and is open to the public. The meetings are held virtually and access to the meeting room is published on the website a few days prior to the meeting date.

​Subject: Open Session

Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Time: 1:00 ​pm

Join via Google Meet:​
Phone:+1 505-431-3286
PIN: ‪675 575 190‬#

​ --​Meeting ​Agenda​--​​​​​​​​



Contact the Maryland State Board of Acupuncture

By Mail at:
4201 Patterson Avenue
Third Floor
Baltimore, MD 21215

By Email at​ mdh.acupuncture@maryland.gov

By Phone at (410) 764 - 4766

By Fax at (410) 431 - 3072

Tiffany L. Smith-Williams, Executive Dire​​ctor
Stephanie Coley​, Deputy Director