Rules for Active Duty Military, Veterans and Their Spouses Only

​Maryland ​Military Veterans’ Priority

For ACTIVE-DUTY Military, Recently Discharged Military Veterans & Spouses:

Pursuant to STATE legislation (Veterans Full Employment Act of 2013), military veterans discharged within one (1) year of application for licensing or registration qualify for expedited processing of applications and review of equivalency requests for military training. Health Profession Boards and Commissions (HPBCs) will expedite the review and processing of applications of any military schools or courses submitted as qualifying equivalents for required licensing/registration educational standards. The HPBCs extends these privileges to active-duty military, including reservists called to active duty for training or deployment. These provisions also apply to spouses of active duty and qualifying veterans.

This Board stands ready to assist all active duty military and veteran family applicants with navigating the Act’s provisions. Should any Act provisions be further amended (or as further information becomes available) information will be posted on this website. Please note that the Board of Acupuncture is not aware of any accredited military schools or equivalent courses that can be used to satisfy licensing requirements for acupuncture and East Asian Medicine.​

Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act (VAEIA) of 2022 (PL 117-333)

Military Licensure Exemption Information & Claim Guidance

Exemption facts:

  • FEDERAL legislation passed:
    • ​in 2022 and enacted on January 1, 2023
    • in 2025​ and enacted on March 23, 2025.
  • Exemption eligibility is restricted to military service persons and their spouses. Eligible military service members include those serving in the: 
    • armed forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Space Force, and Coast Guard); 
    • the commissioned corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; or
    • ​​the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service. 
  • The exemption allows the military service person and their spouse to bypass the State licensing process if they:
    • are licensed in another State in good standing, and 
    • have military orders to provide military service in Maryland. 
  • The exemption is only valid for the time period that the duty station location in the military orders is Maryland. The spouse of a military service member can be a husband or wife.
  • The eligible service member and/or spouse will receive a letter of acknowledgement to practice from the Board when all requirements are met.
  • The Licensee’s ability to practice in Maryland will be searchable by the public in similar fashion to other Maryland licensees.
  • The Licensee is subject to Board investigation and disciplinary powers if a complaint is filed.

To claim the exemption​​​:

To initiate the eligibility review process, the military service member and/or spouse must submit the completed VAEIA Act License Exemption Form with the following supporting documentation to the Board: 
  • a copy of the Maryland military service order; 
  • a copy of their marriage certificate (if applicable);
  • a letter of good standing from the current licensing authority/board where the licensee has actively practiced during the previous two years prior to relocation; and 
  • a passport compliant photo. 
Submissions are accepted in three ways – email, fax, or mail as follows: