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Meetings and Events

Maryland Cancer Collaborative Committee Meetings

Committees of the Maryland Cancer Collaborative meet regularly to work on implementation of the Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan.  If you are interested in joining a committee, please complete the Member Agreement Form.

​​​Access to Care and Services
First Wednesday of every month; 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. ( iLine 515-603-3106; Access Code: 314064#) ​TBA
​Communications March 23, 2018; 2 PM Teleconference
​Hospice Utilization Data

TBD Teleconference
​HPV Vaccination
February 22, 2018 @ 10 am ​Conference Room 545
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Tobacco Cessation​ March 12, 2018; 2-3 pm (Dial-in #: 1-240-454-0887; Access code: 644 679 887​) ​Dial-in #: 1- 240-454-0887; access code: 644 679 887
​Steering Committee
TBD Teleconference
 If you wish to join any of the above workgroups, please click here​

**For more information about meetings (location details/addresses, teleconference lines, etc.) please contact
Sara Valek at** 

Maryland Patient Navigation Network Meetings and Events

​Next Leadership Team Call October 4, 2017, 10:00-11:00am Teleconference

Maryland Cancer Collaborative Annual Meeting

Thank you all for attending the Maryland Cancer Collaborative Annual Meeting at Anne Arundel Community College on Tuesday, September 26, 2017. Please click here to view the slides from the presentations. ​