Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee Meeting

Maryland Medicaid Pharmacy Public Meeting​​​ Thursday, May 1, 2025

  • ​9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public.
  • Agenda​ for 5/01/2025 Meeting​ ​TBA

Registration for Public Attendance 

​​The Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee Public Meeting will be conducted virtually as a webinar. Register here.​

​After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.     ​​

  • To provide public testimony, you must register as a speaker​. For more information, see Registration for Public Testimony​. 
  • Registering for public testimony does not guarantee selection to present testimony. For more information regarding selection, see Guidelines for Public Testimony. Register here.​

Deadline to Register for Public​ Testimony​​​

  • ​​Registration ​of Public Testimony Begins: March 5, 2025
  • Registration for Public Testimony Ends: April 16, 2025

Registration for Public Testimony

  • ​Prior registration is required. Registration outside the dates listed above will not be accepted. 
  • The registration form is interactive and all fields must be completed. Once submitted, the registration request is sent directly to the Department and confirmation of registration will be communicated electronically within 2 business days.
  • Each company, pharmaceutical manufacturer, organization, group or consumer selected to speak will be given one (1) time slot of five (5) minute for their presentation(s).
  • ​​Multiple speakers representing a company, pharmaceutical manufacturers, organizations, groups or consumers may register to speak; however the total time shall not exceed five (5) minutes.
  • For current therapeutic classes and single drugs under review, see the agenda​​​​​​.​​
  • Testimony must be limited to only those drugs contained in the therapeutic classes under review or the single drug review.​​​

Guidelines for Public Testimony

  • Public testimony at the P&T Committee meeting is limited to fifteen (15) presentations: twelve (12) speakers from the pharmaceutical industry and three (3) representing consumer interests.
  • If the full allotment for either group does not pre-register to speak, representatives from the other group will be selected in their place.
  • In the event more speakers have registered than there are spaces available, a lottery will be held to select  companies and consumers at random on the day after the deadline. The lottery involves a disinterested party drawing the names in the presence of two (2) witnesses.
  • All registrants will be notified 3 business days after the drawing, whether or not they have been selected to speak. 
  • Those selected to speak will be advised in the numerical order they will present at the P&T Committee meeting. After being selected, if you have a change in your choice of person to speak, please send an e-mail as soon as possible to:

​Selected Speakers’ Written Copy of Public Testimony (Mandatory)

  • MDH requires a written copy of the selected speaker’s public testimony be submitted via email to no later than five (5) business days prior to the meeting.
  • ​The written copy of public testimony should contain information that will be presented during the speaker’s public testimony.  

Submission of Written Materials to the P&T Committee (Optional)

  • Stakeholders, including, pharmaceutical manufacturers, organizations, groups or consumers, have the opportunity to present comments to the P&T Committee through written material relating to only the therapeutic class and single drug (if, applicable) under review.
  • ​The written Material (​view Sample) must be:​​
    • ​​Compatible with MS-Word or Adobe® Acrobat®
    • Limited to no more than one standard page,​​ front and back with 'bulleted' points and include all drugs on which you want to provide information.
  • The written materials that are not  submitted in the above mentioned format will be returned to the  speaker with a request to re-submit in the format required.
  • Submitted via email to: no later than five (5) business days prior to the meeting.
  • ​MDH will forward timely written materials and comments from Stakeholders to the members of the P&T Committee.

​Day of the P&T Committee Meeting

  • ​​The meeting will start at approximately 9:00 a.m.  The Committee Chair will call on speakers in the order that their names were drawn in the speaker lottery.​
  • The time available for presentation(s) is up to five (5) minutes. Thirty (30) seconds before the end of the presentation, speakers will receive warning that time has almost expired.
  • Registered speakers may share their time slots; however, there is only one time slot given to a company, pharmaceutical manufacturer, or organization.
  • In the event a selected speaker fails to appear at the meeting, his or her time will be forfeited, and that slot will remain unfilled.
  • ​Please note that neither audio-visual equipment nor product demonstrations will be permitted.
  • ​​There will be no question and answer period.​