Data Governance

Data Governance Processes and Standards

​​It is the purpose of the MDH Data Office and the Data Governance Committee (DGC) to develop processes and standards for the unification and improvement of data management practices at the Maryland Department of Health, culminated in an enterprise wide set of Data Governance Guidelines. These standards are circulated among MDH Staff as they are published in order to increase awareness and compliance with these standards throughout the organization.

Data Governance Policies and Compliance

​The State of Maryland and the Maryland Department of Health are constantly working to improve data management and security practices across the organization. See below relevant policies of compliance guiding the work of MDH. ​

  • Executive Order 01.01.2021.09 - Maryland Policy describing the role of the State Data Office, establishing Agency Data Officers and appropriate administration to each MD agency (including MDH) and the responsibilties therein
  • ​Executive Order 01.01.2021.10​ - Maryland Policy describing responsibilities of State Agencies pertaining to protection of private personal and health information 

  • Executive Order 01.01.2021.11 - Maryland Policy defining the sharing of MD data through the MDThink Platform

  • MDH Data Use Policy 01.06.02 (v. 11.01.2022)​ - The MDH Data Use Policy outlines procedures for use of MDH data, a framework for Data Use Agreements, and defines the MDH entities regulating data use including the ​​MDH Data Office, the Strategic Data Initiative (SDI), and the Data Governance Council (DGC)

  • ​State of Maryland IT Security Manual​Defines the standards for IT security required for all State Agencies

  • HIPAA - As a HIPAA Covered Entity, MDH abides by HIPAA under all covered activites including clinical and healthcare providing services. ​