
 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

What is 988?
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a support helpline for people experiencing mental health or substance use emergencies. People can call (or text or chat) 9-8-8 to talk and to connect with services. To learn more about addiction and related topics, visit stopoverdose.maryland.gov​.

​Connect with a caring call specialist 24/7​
In danger or need immediate medical attention? Call 911 now.

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Veterans - Press 1
Espanol - Marca 2
LGBTQ+ Youth - Press 3

Deaf or Hard of Hearing?
Call 988 Videophone via ASL Now
Learn about other options


In addition to contacting 988, you​ can find mental health and substance use services for you or your loved one.​​​

​​​​​​We also encourage professionals and providers to review and share free outreach materials from our 988 Toolkit and check out​ this video about what 988 is and how it works​, and explore our 988 FAQs​.​​​​​​

988 Toolkit

 9-8-8 in Maryland

For Telecommunication Service Providers: 988 Fee Information  ​