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Maryland Register
Issue Date:  October 13, 2017
Volume 44 • Issue 21 • Pages 1003—1004
Title 10
10.09.80 Community-based Substance Use Disorder Services
Authority: Health-General Article, §§2-104(b), 8-204(c)(1), 15-103(a)(1), and 15-105(b), Annotated Code of Maryland
Notice of Proposed Action
The Secretary of Health proposes to amend Regulation .08 under COMAR 10.09.80 Community-based Substance Use Disorder Services.
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this action is to update the listed rates for community-based substance use disorder (SUD) services by 2 percent effective July 1, 2017. The fiscal 2018 State budget, approved under S.B. 170, Ch. 150, Acts of 2017, includes a 2 percent rate increase for community behavioral health providers.
Comparison to Federal Standards
There is no corresponding federal standard to this proposed action.
Estimate of Economic Impact
I. Summary of Economic Impact. This proposed action will result in the increase of the rates for community-based SUD services. The State general funds impact is expected to be $814,890 for State fiscal year 2018. The federal funds impact is expected to be $2,375,148. The total funds impact is expected to be $3,190,038.
Revenue (R+/R-)
II. Types of Economic Impact.

A. On issuing agency:
B. On other State agencies:
C. On local governments:
Benefit (+)
Cost (-)

D. On regulated industries or trade groups:
E. On other industries or trade groups:
F. Direct and indirect effects on public:
III. Assumptions. (Identified by Impact Letter and Number from Section II.)
A. and D. Estimated fiscal impacts are based on calendar year 2016 utilization. The estimate of impact on the issuing agency is the sum of the general funds impact of $814,890 and the federal funds impact of $2,375,148, totaling $3,190,038.
Economic Impact on Small Businesses
The proposed action has a meaningful economic impact on small business. An analysis of this economic impact follows.
Small businesses that could be impacted by this proposal include community-based substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers who are enrolled with Maryland Medicaid and provide services to Medicaid enrolled participants. Community-based SUD providers will receive Medicaid reimbursement rates that are increased by 2 percent for all services billed through H codes listed on the public substance use disorder fee schedule and listed in COMAR
Impact on Individuals with Disabilities
The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Comments may be sent to Michele Phinney, Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to, or fax to 410-767-6483. Comments will be accepted through November 13, 2017. A public hearing has not been scheduled.
.08 Payment Procedures.
A.—C. (text unchanged)
D. Effective July 1, [2016] 2017, rates for the services outlined in this regulation shall be as follows:
(1) For services outlined in this regulation, as delivered through an OHCQ certified or licensed substance use disorder treatment provider:
(a) Comprehensive substance use disorder assessment — [$144.82] $147.74;
(b) Level 1 group substance use disorder counseling — [$39.78] $40.58 per session;
(c) Level 1 individual substance use disorder counseling — [$20.40] $20.81 per 15-minute increment with a maximum of six 15-minute increments per day;
(d) Level 2.1 Intensive Outpatient treatment — [$127.50] $130.05 per diem;
(e) Level 2.5 Partial Hospitalization half day session — [$132.60] $135.25 per diem;
(f) Level 2.5 Partial Hospitalization full day session — [$214.20] $218.48 per diem;
(g) Ambulatory Withdrawal Management — [$71.40] $72.83 per diem;
(h)—(i) (text unchanged)
(2) For services outlined in this regulation as delivered through an opioid treatment programs:
(a) Comprehensive substance use disorder assessment — [$144.84] $147.74;
(b) Level 1 group substance use disorder counseling — [$39.78] $40.58 per session;
(c) Level 1 individual substance use disorder counseling — [$20.40] $20.81 per 15-minute increment with a maximum of six 15-minute increments per day;
(d) Opioid Maintenance Therapy — [$63.00] $64.26 per participant per week;
(e) Medication Assisted Treatment Induction — [$204] $208.08 per participant per week;
(f) Buprenorphine Maintenance Therapy — [$56.00] $57.12 per participant per week; and
(g) (text unchanged)
E.—F. (text unchanged)
Secretary of Health