October 23rd - October 31st
Local businesses, churches, schools, state, county, and government agencies are encouraged to promote the nationwide celebration during the week of October 23rd-31st. Red Ribbon information will be shared with citizens throughout the county to promote Red Ribbon Week.
Churches are asked to include a drug free message in their sermons and mention Red Ribbon Week in their bulletins.
Character Counts Coaches are encouraged to implement Red Ribbon Week activities in their lesson plans for that week.
Red Ribbon Week offers an opportunity to be visible and vocal in our desire for a drug-free community. Research shows that children are less likely to use tobacco, alcohol and other drugs when parents and other role models are clear and consistent in their opposition to substance use and abuse.
Red Ribbon Week is the nation's largest and longest-running drug use prevention campaign.
Click here to learn about how and why this program started. The goal is to inform, lead, and partner with families and communities in supporting youth to be drug free.