Content and forms on this page are intended for citizens and businesses of Queen Anne's County, Maryland. Contact information for other counties can be found at the following web address:
Annual License Application
In order to operate a food service facility, permanent or temporary, within Queen Anne's County, an application must be submitted to the Environmental Health office. The office will review the application with the owner/operator in order to fully understand the intended operations of the food facility.
Owner/operators of existing establishments will receive an application in the mail for license renewal. Upon transfer of a food service facility to new ownership or new construction of a food service facility, an application for an annual license must be submitted to our office.
Food Service License Fees based on Priority: High - $250, Moderate - $200, Low - $100
Change in Ownership
When there is a change of ownership of an existing food establishment, the new owner must obtain a new license to operate before taking ownership. Licenses cannot transfer from one owner to another. Upon completion and submission of an application, the new owner/operator will contact the local Health Department to schedule an inspection. In addition to submitting an application for licensure, the following items are required upon transfer of ownership.
- Menu - New owner/operator will submit a copy of the menu.
- Equipment - Provide a list of equipment to be replaced or added.
HACCP Plan - A HACCP plan is required for all high or moderate priority facilities. Facilities which serve only commercially, pre-packaged potentially hazardous foods (or non-potentially hazardous foods) or hand-dipped ice cream DO NOT require a HACCP plan. A new owner/operator is responsible for developing a HACCP plan to support the menu.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - associated with the facility are required by the new owner/operator.
New Construction/Remodeling A Food Service Facility
Maryland Health-General Code Annotated, §21-321, requires that properly prepared plans be submitted and approved before a person constructs a food establishment, remodels or alters a food establishment, or converts or remodels an existing building. Therefore, all food service facilities (including mobile units) that are to be newly constructed, remodeled or materially altered are required to submit plans and specifications to the Queen Anne's County Department of Health, Environmental Health Office, for approval prior to starting any work.
NOTE: New facilities should verify that all proposed work is in accordance with applicable zoning, building, plumbing, Fire Marshal, Sanitary district and Environmental Service requirements prior to construction.