Communicable Disease Prevention

The focus of the Queen Anne's County Department of Health's Communicable Disease Program is to protect and promote the health of Queen Anne's County residents through its efforts to limit the spread and effects of infectious disease for individuals and the community.

Services include:

  • Adult and childhood immunizations b​y appointment (see Immunizations tab for more details)
  • Tuberculosis screening, education and treatment
  • Reportable disease surveillance and investigation including:
    • Tickborne illnesses
    • Rabies exposures/investigations
    • Foodborne illnesses
    • Vaccine preventable diseases
    • Respiratory outbreaks - such as Covid-​19, influenza or RSV
    • Other reportable conditions as required by the Maryland Department of Health or
    • the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
​​​Please contact 410-758-0720 for more information and/or appointments.​

Contact Information

For information and appointments, call 410-758-0720
