​Office of Quality Initiatives


The Office of Quality Initiatives oversees the implementation of activities to improve systems of care to prevent maternal and infant deaths, and other adverse child health outcomes. The office takes the lead for planning, coordinating and organizing the Maternal and Child Health Bureau’s response to new and emerging initiatives, and organizing strategies including the department-prioritized issues of infant mortality and substance exposed newborns. In collaboration with local health departments, hospitals, private providers, professional organizations and community groups, the office works to assure and improve the quality of services for the over 70,000 infants born each year in Maryland. ​

Current Activities

  • Provides administrative support and technical assistance  for Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program in priority jurisdictions
  • Administrative support to local Child Fatality Review  teams and support for the State Child Fatality Review Team 
  • Participation in the CDC-funded Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) Case Registry
  • Coordination and monitoring of the Maryland Child Abuse Medical Providers Network (CHAMP) to provide training and medical expertise in the field of child maltreatment and abuse
  • Administration of the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), a statewide survey to learn about a new mother's pregnancy experience and learn ways to improve health outcomes for future mothers and babies in Maryland
  • Provide support for the development and implementation of a Maternal and Child Health Bureau Infant Mortality Strategic Plan and other efforts aimed at infant mortality reduction
