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​Maternal Mortality Review Stakeholder Group


The Maternal Mortality Review (MMR) Stakeholder Group is a multidisciplinary group that meets at least twice a year, to review the findings and recommendations in the annual Maternal Mortality Review Report. Members includes representatives of the Maryland Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities; the Maryland Patient Safety Center; the Maryland Healthy Start Program; women’s health advocacy organizations; community organizations engaged in maternal health and family support issues; families that have experienced a maternal death; local health departments; and providers of maternal health services.

Established in 2018 by the Maryland General Assembly via House Bill 1518, the MMR Stakeholder Group is charged with examining issues resulting in disparities in maternal deaths, reviewing the status of implementation of previous recommendations, and identifying new recommendations with a focus on initiatives to address disparities in maternal deaths.​

Meetings of the MMR Stakeholder Group are open to the public. Dates for upcoming meetings as well as meeting agendas and minutes are available below.​

Upcoming Stakeholder Group Meetings and Locations 

The next meeting of the ​Maternal Mortality Review Stakeholder Group will be held on

May 6, 2024 from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. The location of the meeting will be on a virtual platform. As always, unless there are unforeseen, outside restr​ictions, the public will be welcome to join the meeting.​​​

Meeting Information:

Maternal Mortality Review Stakeholder Group Meeting 2024​
Monday, May 6 · 1:00 – 2:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 321-209-7858‬ PIN: ‪402 550 227‬#


For information or questions regarding the Maryland Maternal Mortality Review Stakeholder Group, please contact Nina Martin, MSPH at 410-767-5602 or​