Maryland State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System


The Maryland State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) is a statewide surveillance system containing information on accidental and undetermined intent overdose death in Maryland. SUDORS uses data from death certificates, medical examiner reports, and law enforcement reports when available. ​

SUDORS supplements the official numbers and rates produced by the Vital Statistics Administration, providing circumstance data not available anywhere else. This includes information about the injury and death; toxicology reports; and the decedent's social, mental, and physical health history. SUDORS also includes non-Maryland residents who fatally overdosed in Maryland. 

SUDORS is funded by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which developed it to address three overarching needs: 1) to better understand the circumstances surrounding overdose death; 2) to improve overdose data timeliness and accuracy; and 3) to identify specific substances causing or contributing to the death as well as emerging and polysubstance overdose trends to help inform overdose prevention and response efforts. 

SUDORS produces statewide and local reports which summarize some of the key circumstances of opioid overdose deaths in Maryland, available below. For a more detailed overview of the types of data collected, please visit the list of SUDOR​S variablesAdditional information and variable definitions can be found in the National Violent Death Reporting System and the SUDORS coding manual​​. The coding manuals describe how to code variables and can be informative to data users who wish to understand the nuance of the data captured by this surveillance system. 


New! Overdose mortality rate estimates for Maryland workers, by occupation and sex, 2019-2022

New! Poster: Analysis of the presence of potential bystanders at fatal overdose events and bystander response behaviors:
The Spectrum of Response: A Trend Analysis of Opioid Detected Fatal Overdoses in Maryland, 2019-2022

Circumstances of Opioid Overdose Deaths in Maryland: Data from the 2020 Maryland State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS)

Contact Information

Project Manager
Maryland Violent Death Reporting System (MVDRS)
State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS)
Maryland Department of Health
201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
(443)-615-5051- phone
(443) 681-1492​ - fax​

​Data Use Agreement

SUDORS Data File Sharing Policy, Request Form, and DUA - v.02.20.2025.pdf


Federal Resources

Stat​e Resources

*Please note: These reports include state-level data provided by the Maryland Vital Statistics Administration, which is the official source for fatal overdose numbers and rates.