Maryland Violent Death Reporting System

​​​​Project Information

The Maryland Violent Death Reporting System (MVDRS) is a statewide surveillance system that organizes and maintains a timely, detailed body of information concerning violent death incidents (homicide, suicide, deaths of undetermined manner, and accidental firearm-related deaths) occurring in the state of Maryland. The MVDRS is a subsidiary of the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS), administered and funded by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The MVDRS promotes its informati​on as a resource for greater scientific understanding of violent death to encourage the development of effective violent death prevention strategies in the state of Maryland.​ Additional information and variable definitions can be found in the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) coding manual

​Please see our newest data products, which include a ​​​Poster Presentation on Female-Identified Homicide Decedents in Maryland and the ​2003-2020 Maryland Violent Death Reporting System (MVDRS) Circumstances on Suicide Deaths in Maryland report, below. 


Contact Information

Project Manager
Maryland Violent Death Reporting System
Maryland Department of Health
201 W. Preston Street, 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201
(443)-615-5051- phone
(443) 681-1492​ - fax​

Data Use Agreement

MVDRS Data Use Agreement.pdf


National Violent Death Reporting System (CDC)

Center for Injury and Violence Prevention (MDH​)

Maryland State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS)​

Partnership for a Safer Maryland

Data to Action for Violence Prevention