What is occupational health and safety?
About 3 million people work in Maryland. Each year, roughly 3% of Maryland workers suffer a work-related injury or illness. Occupational injuries and illnesses are preventable. To protect Maryland’s workers, the Maryland Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance Project (OHSSP), with funding from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), does the following:
- Reports statistics and indicators on occupational illness and injury rates in Maryland;
- Collects reports from health care providers in Maryland who treat patients with reportable work-related illness and injury; and
- Provides assistance to Maryland Occupational Safety and Health and other agencies concerned about possible work-related illness.
Occupational Health Indicators
Maryland tracks 20 Occupational Health Indicators to provide more information about the health and safety of workers in Maryland
- An occupational health indicator is a measure of a work-related disease or injury, or a factor associated with occupational health, such as workplace exposures, hazards, or interventions, in a workforce population.
- These indicators are a set of 19 measures that are used to monitor the health of Maryland's workforce. Each indicator highlights a risk factor or category of injury or illness that can be tracked over time and compared to other states and the nation to highlight both successes and areas that may need additional exploration to protect the safety and health of Maryland's workers.
What should I do if I have an occupational health concern?
Workers or their representatives can file a complaint with Maryland Occupational Safety and Health (MOSH) if they are concerned about workplace safety and health issues. Employers are prohibited from retaliating against workers who submit complaints.
Click here for instructions about filing a complaint with MOSH.
Concerned employees, union officials, or employers can also request a Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) from NIOSH. NIOSH is the occupational safety research branch of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose of an HHE is to identify workplace health hazards and recommend ways to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.
Click here for more information about the HHE program at NIOSH.
Information for clinicians
In Maryland, health care providers are required to report known or suspected cases of occupational diseases or health conditions aggravated by workplace exposures. Reports should be sent to the Environmental Health Coordination Program at MDH.
Click here to download the form that clinicians should use to report occupational illnesses and exposures.
Reportable conditions include occupational lung disease, chemical exposures, carpal tunnel syndrome, work-related injuries in persons less than 18 years of age, and work-related disease outbreaks. Detailed reporting guidelines can be found on page 2 of the above form.
Resources by topic in occupational health and safety
Surveillance and Maryland Indicators
Heat Stress
- OSHA -
Heat Illness Prevention
- MOSH - In accordance with House Bill 722, the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MOSH) will host four regional informational sessions prior to developing and adopting regulations to protect employees from heat-related stress in the workplace.
Learn more.
Zika virus
Environmental hazards