Veterans Auto and Education Improvement Act (VAEIA)
Licensed pharmacists and technicians from other states under military order to practice in Maryland are now allowed to practice in Maryland without a Maryland pharmacy license
On January 5, 2023, the President of the Unites States signed into law the VAEIA. This new federal law allows a servicemember (or their spouse), under military orders to serve in Maryland and licensed as a pharmacist or pharmacist technician in another state, to practice in Maryland without a license
The VAEIA requires that in order to practice in the state they are serving in, the service member (or spouse) must:
- provide a copy of their military orders to the licensing board in that state;
- remain in good standing in their original state of licensure and any other state they are licensed in;
- “submit to the authority of the licensing authority in the new jurisdiction for the purposes of standards of practice, discipline, and fulfillment of any continuing education requirements."
The law also allows a licensed pharmacist or pharmacy technician who is the spouse of a service member the same allowance under the same requirements. The authority to practice in Maryland without a license lasts for as long as the service member is stationed in Maryland (for the spouse of a service member, divorce would also terminate the recognition to practice in Maryland).
Application for Recognition of Out-of-State License or Registration
Acceptance letters:
Asega, Beemnet
Corbett, Kiley
Hey, Carolyn - Also authorized to administer vaccinations.
Thompson, Maya