Pharmacy Intern Forms and Information

General Information

All applications and correspondence related to the processing of applications and related documents for the Maryland Board of Pharmacy shall be sent to the following mailing addresses:

Pharmacists and Pharmacy Interns (new, renewal, reinstatement), Vaccinations (new, renewal, and reinstatement), Law Book and eBook Requests, Duplicate License Requests and any related correspondence:

Maryland Board of Pharmacy

P O Box 1991

Baltimore, MD 21203-1991

NOTE:  Applications and forms shall be completed in its entirety and the appropriate payment attached and sent to the appropriate P.O. Box.  Payments in the form of cash or money order will not be accepted at the Board of Pharmacy on a walk-in basis; however, the Board will still accept credit card payments. Please make sure to download the current application from the Board’s website. The Board of Pharmacy will no longer accept outdated applications. If you submit your application on an outdated form, it will be returned to the applicant and will delay the processing of your application. All documents and correspondence related to Compliance, Investigations, and Inspections will be sent directly to the Board of Pharmacy at 4201 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2299.

Background Check Information: Click Here


Assistance For Military Personnel/Veterans and Their Spouses

 Pharmacy Intern Application  



Make checks payable to the Maryland Board of Pharmacy. No Cash Accepted!