PDMP Investigative Users

Investigative Users​
The PDMP assists agencies responsible for ensuring public health and safety through the investigation of illegal or inappropriate prescribing, dispensing or use of prescription drugs. The RxGov Investigative Role User Guide can be found here: RxGov Investig​ative Role User Guide​​​​​​​

The following types of investigators wishing to be trained should contact the PDMP Office at mdh.pdmp@maryland.gov or 410-402-8686:
  • Local, state, or federal law enforcement officers / agents 
  • State health professions licensing / regulatory board investigators 
  • Investigators from the following Maryland Department of Health (MDH) agencies: Office of the Inspector General, Office of Health Care Quality, MDH Office of Controlled Substances Administration​, Maryland Medicaid
  • State and local fatality review teams authorized by MDH

Individuals legally authorized to request prescription monitoring data for active, bona fide, individual investigations must complete training in RxGov prior to submitting any data requests. They will view the below video as part of the credentialing process:


Every time an investigative requester submits a query through RxGov, the investigator must attest that he/she has read and agreed to the Maryland PDMP Investigative User's Terms of Use​.

MDH Agency credentialed Investigative Users will use the PDMP MDH Agency Data Request Form.​ If you would like this form in a Word document, contact mdh.pdmp@maryland.gov to request it.