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Audit Division

MDH Internal Audits performs periodic examinations and follow-up reviews of the accounts, records, procedures, and policies of MDH administrations, and facilities. The Division helps to prepare DHMH units for legislative audits by ensuring that MDH administrations have implemented corrective actions sufficient to resolve previously cited audit findings and reviews problem areas to prevent future audit deficiencies. 

Medicaid Internal Audits performs periodic examinations and follow-up reviews of the accounts, records, procedures, and policies of the State’s Medicaid Program. The Division helps to prepare MDH units for legislative and federal audits by ensuring that MDH administrations have implemented corrective actions sufficient to resolve previously cited audit findings and reviews problem areas to prevent future audit deficiencies.

MDH External Audits conducts audits of human services vendors and local health departments receiving funding from the Department to ensure State funds are expended and reported in accordance with contract provisions, laws, regulations, and generally accepted accounting principles. The audits determine over or underpayments.