Apply for a Job

Thank you for your interest in employment with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). As a public health department, our goal is to improve the health status of every Maryland resident and to ensure access to quality health care. We accomplish this goal with the help of our dedicated and committed workforce.

Click here to find a listing of current recruitments for MDH. These are job openings for which MDH is currently accepting applications.

Generally, Used Recruitment Terminology Includes:

Applications for these positions are accepted at any time during the year. A list of qualified applicants is created and maintained on a continuous basis so that hiring managers have a pool of applications available as vacancies occur.

This is a one-time use search for a specific job at one of our facilities, affiliated counties, or the central office. A “position specific” recruitment is done if there is something unique to the job that would require unique experience or availability that wasn’t required to get on an existing generic list.

Applying for a position is simple. Click on the job announcement with detailed information about that position. The application form is located at the bottom of the job announcement. Complete all required areas on a state application and give information about your employment history that relates to required experience listed on the announcement. Online applications are highly recommended, however, the paper application may be submitted to the address below by the closing date. Please send or upload a photocopy only of any required certificates, transcripts, or licenses if required with your application as they will not be returned to you or forwarded to the hiring authority (TIP! Make sure you save the application template on your computer as it can be used for future applications to state positions.)

Submit all the required materials to:
Maryland Department of Health
Recruitment and Selection Division
201 W. Preston Street, Room 114-B
Baltimore, MD 21201 


Good luck with your job search and thank you for considering employment with the Maryland Department of Health.