November 1, 2021
Media Contact:
Deidre McCabe, Director, Office of Communications, 410-767-3536
Andy Owen, Deputy Director, Media Relations, 410-767-6491
Update on top and bottom 10 skilled nursing facilities in Maryland ranked by staff vaccination rates
Baltimore, MD – The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) today announced an update on the top and bottom 10 skilled nursing facilities in the state ranked by percentage of staff with at least one dose of a vaccine against COVID-19.
Per vaccination protocols in effect since September 1, 2021, all nursing facility staff are required to have their first or single dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Nursing facilities that fail to comply with vaccination protocols or do not adequately report their vaccination data are subject to fines, civil penalties, and enforcement actions.
As of today, 91 percent or more of staff at 111 nursing facilities in the state are vaccinated. A full list of the state’s nursing facilities and their vaccination data can be found on the Maryland Department of Aging’s Skilled Nursing Facilities Vaccination Dashboard, which is updated weekly.
Bottom 10 skilled nursing home and congregate facilities in Maryland
ranked by percentage of staff with at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine
Autumn Lake Healthcare at Chesapeake Woods = 51 percent
Dennett Road Manor = 53 percent
Cumberland Healthcare Center = 55 percent
Calvert Manor Center for Rehabilitation and Health = 61 percent
Coffman Nursing Home = 62 percent
Anchorage Healthcare Center = 62 percent
Complete Care at Corsica Hills = 63 percent
St Joseph’s Ministries = 63 percent
Complete Care at La Plata = 66 percent
Hagerstown Healthcare Center = 67 percent
Future Care Cold Spring = 67 percent
Vindobona Nursing and Rehabilitation Center = 68 percent
Powerback Rehabilitation Brightwood Campus = 69 percent
Sterling Care at Frostburg Village = 69 percent
For more information on nursing home CRISP reporting requirements, please see this transmittal to all nursing home administrators. Facilities are required to self-report certain information weekly or daily.
For facilities that have questions on data reported for their facility, email mdh.snfdata@maryland.gov.
For the most recent Maryland COVID-19 data, visit coronavirus.maryland.gov.
To schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment or see if you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster shot, visit covidvax.maryland.gov. To find a location to get a COVID-19 test, visit covidtest.maryland.gov.
The Maryland Department of Health is dedicated to protecting and improving the health and safety of all Marylanders through disease prevention, access to care, quality management and community engagement.
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