
Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program

The EID Program is a Medicaid buy-in program for workers with disabilities who would be ineligible for Medicaid because of their earnings.​

On January 1, 2024, changes to the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) Program went into effect.

Changes include:

  • No more maximum income eligibility
  • No longer counting assets that belong only to your spouse
  • Now allowing Independence Accounts
  • New premium payment amounts based on your income
  • New applicants can now be as young as 16 years old 

For current participants, these changes will only go into effect for you when you next renew your Medicaid coverage.​ For more information, see the EID Program Changes Notice​.


To be eligible for the EID Program, you must meet all the following:

Work Requirement

To qualify for the EID Program, you may be employed or self-employed. There is no minimum amount you must earn to qualify, but your earnings must be subject to taxes. You can't be working “under the table". If you work for an employer, you should have pay stubs that show taxes withheld from your pay. If you are self-employed, you should pay estimated taxes

Resource Limit

Before January 1, 2024, there was an ​asset limit of $10,000 for you alone or $15,000 if you are married. Now if you are married, resources that are only your spouse's will no longer count. Resources that you own together, called joint assets, and assets only you own will still count towards your $10,000 limit. For more information about countable resources, see the FAQs.

New Premium Payment Amounts Based on Your Income​

Individual Income Range Effective January 1, 2025
Couple Income Range Effective January 1, 2025
​Monthly Premium​
​​Less than $15,650
​Less than $21,150

$15,650 - $31,300

​$21,150 - $42,300
$31,300 - $39,125
​$42,300 - $52,875
​$39,125 - $46,950
​$52,875 - $63,450
​$46,950 - $70,425
$63,450 - $95,175
​4.0% of monthly countable income​
$70,425 - $93,900
​$95,175 - $126,900
​5.0% of monthly countable income

​7.5% of monthly countable income

How to Apply

Complete the EID Program application, sign and date it, enclose the supporting documents and mail to:
Eligibility Determination Division
EID Program
Maryland Department of Health
6 St. Paul Street, 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202

If you need help applying for the EID Program, and you work with a disability agency in Maryland, that agency may be able to help you. You may also contact the Center for Independent Living ​for help.

Payment Hardship Claim

If you are temporarily unable to pay your monthly premium, you may qualify for a Claim of Hardship Exemption. For more information, see the EID Hardship Exemption Fact Sheet.

Complete and submit the EID Hardship Request Form



If you have questions about the status of your EID application, contact the Eligibility Determination Division (EDD) at 800-226-2142​. ​

​​NOTICE: Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) Premium Payment

​You must pay the premium payment amount listed on your monthly invoice.​ 

Failure to make payment may result in loss of Medicaid benefits and y​​​our account being sent to collections.