Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Adults

​ Effective July 1, 2017, Maryland Medicaid will provide reimbursement for residential substance use disorder treatment for certain Medicaid-eligible individuals aged 21-64, as designated by the Am​erican Society of Addiction Medicine.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services granted the Department the authority to reimburse for therapeutic services associated with residential substance use disorder treatment levels of care through its 1115 HealthChoice Waiver Renewal.

Provider Service Requirements and Enrollment

Prior to applying to become a Maryland Medicaid Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment provider, please review the associated provider and service requirements.

To apply to become a Maryland Medicaid Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment provider, see Provider Enrollment.
For more information, visit Carelon Behavioral Health of Maryland​.

Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment providers are required to attest to certain staff requirements. Maryland Medicaid allowed for a 90-day staffing grace period.