Maryland Prim​ary Care Program

The Maryland Program Management Office (PMO), in conjunction with key partners, has hosted several virtual events for the Maryland Primary ​​Care Program (MDPCP) participants. Links are available to access meeting recordings and downloadable ​copies of slide decks (see below).

Please review the ​2024 Learning Live Calendar to register for upcoming learning events, such as Affinity Groups, Office Hours, and Training Academies, and more!

Previous Learning Calendars:

Current program participants should visit MDPCP Connect for the program updates, educational materials, and to collaborate with fellow MDPCP participants. 

Program participants interested in being added to the MDPCP Today Monthly Newsletter should email their coach or email, indicating that they would like to join the distribution list.

Advanced Primary Care Staff Training Academy

  • June 28, 2024 | The MDPCP Program Management Office (PMO) is pleased to bring you a fan favorite learning opportunity this year, the 2024 MDPCP Advanced Primary Care Staff Training Academy, for the second consecutive year! This year, the Staff Training Academy will build upon topics and skills that were covered in the 2023 Staff Training Academy. The PMO will structure the Staff Training Academy as a comprehensive, hands-on, interactive, half-day training program designed to enhance your practice staff’s expertise with the functions of Advanced Primary Care. The training is designed to bolster your ability to support your practices in implementing change to meet the MDPCP Care transformation requirements, and ultimately patient health and experience outcomes. Topics include: Comprehensive Medication Management, Billing and Coding, Cultural Responsiveness and more! 

  • ​June 30, 2023 | Highlights from our 2023 Staff Training Academy include introducing tracks tailored to clinical and non-clinical staff, a keynote address from Anne Greiner of the Primary Care Collaborative, and session topics including care management, billing and coding, motivational interviewing and more! Please visit our 2023 Staff Training Academy web page to access presentation slides and recordings of the event!​

Educational Sessions​

Behavioral Health Integration (BHI)

Care Transformation Requirements

Program Overview & Application Process



Health Information Technology and CRISP

Quality Improvement & Learning


  • Provider Leadership Academy

    • June 11​​​th, 2022 | The MDPCP Program Management Office partnered with CareFirst to deliver a half-day training program designed for provider leaders in Maryland’s primary care practices. Key highlights include a keynote address from Doug Jacobs (Chief Transformation Officer, Center for Medicare), a fireside chat with MDPCP participants, and session topics included: Data-Driven Leadership, Leading in Turbulent Times, and Team-Based Approaches to Patient-Centered Care

Quality Improvement

Chronic Disease 

Patient Engagement

Public Health Integration

Health Equity