Carroll County - 8 Grants

Grantee Organization: Carroll County Health Department
Focus Area: Dental 
Grant and Amount:16-003 ($70,000) 
Grant Project Description: This two-year grant is being utilized for a program to expand access to pediatric dental services in Carroll County by improving the administrative efficiency of the existing Carroll County Health Department Pediatric Dental Program. The grant funds are being utilized to support non-personnel costs, including equipment, staff training, and software/EMR costs, in order to modernize the outdated equipment of Carroll's existing dental program, support the administrative efficiency of the program, and enable the grantee to upgrade the practice management system. 
Organization Contact Information:


Grantee Organization: Access Carroll
Focus Area: Primary Care
Grant Amount: 14-015 ($125,000) 
Grant Project Description: This one-year grant program supports the promotion of the long-term financial sustainability of the grantee, from a grant based billing model to billing both Medicaid and private payors. Grant funds are being utilized to hire a full time biller/coder and consultant help to design and implement billing systems and enhance the use of its IT system.
Organization Contact Information:


Grantee Organization:  Carroll County Health Department
Focus Area: Behavioral Health
Grant and Amount: LHIC 12-007 ($25,000) 
Grant Project Description: 
The Carroll County Health Department utilized CHRC grant funds to reduce behavioral-health related visits to the hospital emergency department by providing access to urgent care.  This urgent care model was created by expanding the capacity of an existing Outpatient Mental Health Clinic, which used CHRC grant funding to build the system for scheduling and billing for services provided at the urgent care facility.
Organization Contact Information: 


Grantee Organization: Access Carroll, Inc. 
Grant and Amount: 11-006 ($300,000) 
Focus Area: Dental 
Grant Project Description(s): This two-year grant supported the launch of a dental program at AC, which serves the low income residents of Carroll County. Grant funds were utilized to open a full time family dental clinic as part of the Access Carroll integrated care model. Access Carroll leveraged the CHRC grant to secure an additional $162,451 in capital support from the Weinberg Foundation. Over the duration of the program, 2,114 individuals received dental services through 3,498 visits. 
Organization Contact Information: Access Carroll​


Grantee Organization: Carroll County Health Department
Focus Area: Infant Mortality
Grant and Amount: 09-011 ($190,000) 
Grant Project Description: This three-year grant funded the Best Beginnings Program, an interagency prenatal care program that targets women who are low-income, uninsured, and underserved residents of Carroll County. The funds were utilized to support staff salaries for the program. The grantee reported that 80 women were served in this program through 3,652 patient visits over the duration of the grant.
Organization Contact Information:


Grantee Organization: Carroll County Health Department 
Focus Area: Dental
Grant Amount: 08-003 ($29,030) 
Grant Project Description: This two-year grant funded a program that supported two pediatric dental projects. The first project expanded access to pediatric dental care by extended the dental clinic hours. The second project piloted an off-site Fluoride Varnish Program for children enrolled in the county Head Start program. Over 600 patients were enrolled over the duration of the grant. 
Organization Contact Information:


Grantee Organization: Junction, Inc. 
Focus Area: Behavioral Health
Grant and Amount: 08-014 ($109,000) 
Grant Project Description: This one-year grant supported psychiatric services for adolescents and young adults with a co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorder. Services provided through this grant included psychiatric mental health consultations, and emergency psychiatric consultations. Grant funding were utilized to support staff salaries. The grantee reported serving 172 patients through 489 visits over the duration of the grant.


Grantee Organization: Access Carroll
Focus Area: Primary Care
Grant and Amount: 07-001 ($100,000)
Grant Project Description: This one-year grant supported an expansion of care coordination to ensure timely referrals for specialty care services and improve the organization’s overall efficiency. Grant funding was utilized to support the staff salaries. Over the one-year grant period, Access Carroll was able to care for 594 new patients and increase their volunteer specialty provider referral network by 34 physicians for a total of 62 providers.
Organization Contact Information:


