Issue Maryland Podiatric Licenses
Review all credentials provided by licensure applicants, administer and grade licensure examinations, approve and monitor continuing education requirement prior to issuing a Maryland Podiatric License.
Verify Maryland Podiatric Licensure
Provide verbal or written licensure status verifications and/or public disciplinary actions regarding Maryland's podiatrist to the general public, hospitals and various members of the insurance industry.
Resolve Allegations Involving Maryland's Podiatrists
Investigate all allegations it receives that involve Maryland Podiatrists. Action taken to resolve allegations range from dismissal for no violation of the Maryland Podiatry Act, through referral to the Department's Office of the Attorney General for formal charges to revocation of a licensee's Maryland Podiatric License.
Regulate the Practice of Podiatry in Maryland
Recommend changes and enforce the regulated practice of podiatry as pronounced in the Annotated Code of Maryland and in the Code of Maryland Regulations by investigating and, as appropriate, disciplining Maryland Podiatric Licensees found to be in violation of the laws and regulations.
Prepare, Oversee and Reconcile the Program's Special Fund Budget
Count revenues, prepare annual budget for legislative approval; reconcile revenues against licenses issued and other revenue items; and reconcile expenditure against proper object codes.
Approve Procurement of Service and Commodities
Approve procurement of services and commodities via the corporate purchasing card, Board controlled purchase orders and prepare requisitions for items which have been restricted from program purchase.
Prepare Various Reports for DHMH Management, DBM and other Government Entities
Assemble, analyze and consolidate data to respond to various reporting requirements mandated by legislation and/or department policy.