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NCLEX-RN 1st Time Candidate Performance for Maryland

​​​​​​​​​FY 2003:  July 1, 2002-June 30, 2003

BSN Degree Programs 
Total first time testers Number Passing PASS RATE
​Bowie State University (No entry level students) ​0 0 N/A
​College of Notre Dame (No entre level students) 0 0 N/A
​Columbia Union College  * 20 18 ​90.0%
​Coppin state College  * 28 25 89.3%
Johns Hopkins University 231 225 ​97.4%
Salisbury University 60 51 85.0%
​Towson University  * 68 55 80.9%
University of Maryland 
215 185 86.0%
​46 42 91.3%
​​TOT​AL 668 601 90.0%

Associate Degree Programs  
School Total first time testers Number Passing PASS RATE
Allegany Community College 53 50 94.3%
​Anne Arundel Community College ​92 ​84 91.3%
​Baltimore City Community College 25 23 ​92.0%
​Cecil Community College 29 25 ​86.2%
​​Chesapeake College​ ​30 28 93.3%
CCBC Catonsville 61 ​58 95.1%
​CCBC Essex ​81 ​75 ​92.6%
College of Southern MD 59 ​55 93.2%
​Frederick Community College 54 ​53 ​98.1%
​Hagerstown Community College 53 52 98.1%
​Harford Community College ​101 79 78.2%
​Howard Community College ​49 48 98.0%
​Montgomery College 88 ​75 85.2%
​Prince Georges Community College ​72 ​58 80.6%
​Wor-Wic Community College 41 37 ​98.2%
TOTAL 888 800 90.1%
​​All Maryland RN Programs Total first time testers Number Passing
​​All U.S. Candidates 1556 1401 90.0%
Required Passing Rate for Maryland  79547 69437 87.3%
R.N. Schools 78.56%
These statistics were prepared from data supplied by The Chauncy Group, Intl., and NCS Pearson VUE. They represent all first time candidates who graduated from Maryland schools and programs between 2000 and June 30, 2003, and tested in Maryland or another jurisdiction that made results available through the National Council of State Boards of Nursing between July 1, 2002 and June 30, 2003.

* = Program fell below required passing rate for Maryland schools. ​