GNA Testing Updates

The Maryland Board of Nursing (the "Board") is aware of the on-going issue regarding canceled GNA test events in Maryland. The Board recognizes the impact that this issue has on training program graduates and it is committed to improving testing opportunities in our state.

Board Efforts to Secure Additional Testing: The Board has taken deliberate action to secure additional testing options. On October 23, 2024 during its open session meeting, the Board approved a second vendor to provide testing services to GNA training program graduates. Board staff is working diligently with the vendor to implement the additional testing options in accordance with Maryland law. The Board will notify all impacted stakeholders once this process has been finalized.

Addressing Credentia Test Cancellations: During the Board's open session meeting on October 23, 2024, Credentia appeared and provided updates on its efforts to address the test event cancellations in Maryland including the lack of test evaluators in the state. During the meeting, Credentia representatives responded to questions and comments from the Board and stakeholders. The Board instructed Credentia to provide regular updates on its progress in addressing these issues. Please be assured that the Board will continue to communicate with Credentia regularly to ensure that it is taking appropriate steps to address and resolve the issues affecting testing capacity.

120-day rule: In response to multiple stakeholder inquiries, the Board contacted the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to inquire if there is any process by which either the Board/State or individual facilities may petition CMS for a waiver of the 120-day rule under 42 CFR 483.35(e)​. The Board received the following response from the CMS Division of Nursing Homes Triage Team: "There currently is no existing waiver that would allow a nurse aide to work beyond 4 months after completing the Nurse Aide Training but who has not taken the Competency Evaluation Program (testing)". "There is no process to petition a waiver, since there is currently no existing waiver."

Credentia Updates:

This information will be revised as updates become available.

updated 2/28/2025​​