

Maryland Health Enterprise Zone Summit: Sustaining Social Determinants of Health Programs

November 3, 2016

·         HEZ Summit Agenda 11.3.16.pdfHEZ Summit Agenda 11.3.16.pdf

·         Summit Speaker Biographies.pdfSummit Speaker Biographies.pdf

·         Summit Attendee list.pdfSummit Attendee list.pdf

·         ASTHO Award Overview .pdfASTHO Award Overview .pdf

·       Health Equity Award Overview .pdfHealth Equity Award Overview .pdf

Summit Transcript.pdfSummit Transcript.pdf


·         HEZ Initiative, History and Background, Michelle Spencer MS.pdfHEZ Initiative, History and Background, Michelle Spencer MS.pdf

·        Findings HEZ External Evaluation, Darrell Gaskin, PhD.pdfFindings HEZ External Evaluation, Darrell Gaskin, PhD.pdf


Health Enterprise Zone: Successes, Lessons Learned, and Sustainability Challenges and Strategies:

·         Annapolis Community Health Partnership Presentation.pdfAnnapolis Community Health Partnership Presentation.pdf

·         Competent Care Connections, Caroline-Dorchester HEZ Presentation.pdfCompetent Care Connections, Caroline-Dorchester HEZ Presentation.pdf

·         St. Mary's-Greater Lexington Park HEZ Presentation.pdfSt. Mary's-Greater Lexington Park HEZ Presentation.pdf

·        Prince George's County HEZ Presentation.pdfPrince George's County HEZ Presentation.pdf

·         West Baltimore Health Enterprise Zone Presentation.pdfWest Baltimore Health Enterprise Zone Presentation.pdf

Hospital Partnerships: How Hospitals are Engaging the Community to Improve Care:

·         Maryland All Payer Model, Howard Haft MD.pdfMaryland All Payer Model, Howard Haft MD.pdf

·         Victoria Bayless, FACHE, President and CEO, Anne Arundel Medical Center

·         Samuel Ross, CEO, Bon Secours Hospital, HEZ Presentation.pdfSamuel Ross, CEO, Bon Secours Hospital, HEZ Presentation.pdf

·         Stephen T. Michaels, MD, Chief Operating and Medical Officer, MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital

·         Kenneth Kozel, MBA, FACHE, President and CEO, University of Maryland Shore Regional Health

·       Dimensions Healthcare System, Tiffany Sullivan.pdfDimensions Healthcare System, Tiffany Sullivan.pdf

New and Emerging Opportunities in Maryland for Addressing Social Determinants of Health:

·      Moderator- David Mann, MD, PHD.pdfModerator- David Mann, MD, PHD.pdf

·         HSCRC Presentation for HEZ Summit, Stephen Ports.pdfHSCRC Presentation for HEZ Summit, Stephen Ports.pdf

·         Maryland Hospital Association Presentation, Nicole Stallings.pdfMaryland Hospital Association Presentation, Nicole Stallings.pdf

·         Maryland Accountable Care Model for Dual Eligibles, Tricia Roddy.pdfMaryland Accountable Care Model for Dual Eligibles, Tricia Roddy.pdf


·     The Camden Coalition's Sustainability Strategies, David Weinman.pdfThe Camden Coalition's Sustainability Strategies, David Weinman.pdf


·         Research on Delivery and Financing System for Health Care and Public Health Services, Glen P. Mays PhD, MPH.pdfResearch on Delivery and Financing System for Health Care and Public Health Services, Glen P. Mays PhD, MPH.pdf

·         Developing the HEZ Sustainability Plan, Impact Catalyst.pdfDeveloping the HEZ Sustainability Plan, Impact Catalyst.pdf

April 14, 2016- HEZ All Zone Meeting

The State HEZ team held an all-zone meeting to discuss sustainability. Sustainability opportunities, strategies, and priorities were all discussed. See below for the presentations and supplemental information. 

HEZ Summit Videos​

September 11, 2015- HEZ All Zone Meeting

The State HEZ team held an all-zone meeting to discuss resources and best practices for Zone data access, evaluation and reporting. See below for the presentations.

HEZ Workforce Incentives Webinar, June 1, 2015

May 11, 2015 - HEZ All-Zone Meeting on Data, Evaluation, and Reporting

The State HEZ team held an all-zone meeting to discuss resources and best practices for Zone reporting. See below for the presentations.

April 2, 2015 - HEZ Team and HEZs Present at CHRC Commissioners Meeting

The Health Enterprise Zones (HEZ) presented at the Commission's April meeting to discuss the challenges and success of each zone, as well as present their year three budgets. The HEZ team also presented to the Commission on the overall status the the Zones. See below for the presentations.

January 1st, 2015 - Health Enterprise Zone Hiring Tax Credits now available.

The Health Enterprise Zones (HEZ) Initiative provides a range of incentives to help attract new practitioners to underserved areas. These incentives include income tax credits, hiring tax credits, and loan repayment assistance. Eligible applicants are able to apply for hiring tax credits as of January 1, 2015. For more information about how to apply for tax credits, please click here. Loan repayment assistance is also available, with applicants accepted in the spring and fall (the current spring cycle is March 1 through April 15, 2014). For more information about loan repayment assistance, please click here.

December 3, 2014 - All Zone Meeting

The first Health Enterprise Zone, All Zone meeting was held on December 3, 2014. This event, the first of its kind, allowed for all 5 HEZs to present their individual opportunities, progresses, and challenges encountered to date in each Zone, and allowed for Zone representatives to discuss with other Zones specific initiatives and concerns during round table discussions. Zones also took this opportunity to ask State representatives from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and from CHRC questions regarding State expectations and program evaluation. Additional presenters provided information regarding methods for defining Zone success, Zone logic models, legislative expectations for the HEZ Initiative, and HEZ reporting requirements. Links to the presentations and the agenda can be found below:

Click Here for Agenda


November 3, 2014 - PGCHEZ Opens Third PCMH

Site build out for the third medical practice in the PGCHEZ, Gerald Family Care, opened on November 3, 2014. In addition to the PGCHEZ capital improvements funds, money was secured to fund the renovation through a grant awarded by Economic Development Incentive Funds (EDIF) in the amount of $570K through the County awarded to F&G Development (Community Outreach and Development) in June, 2014. The amount of this additional funding was $349,497 for the Gerald Family Care medical practice. The remaining EDIF funds of $220,503 will be utilized for the Health Department/Dimensions Associates medical practice scheduled to open Spring, 2015 as the fourth medical site in the PGCHEZ.

June 26th, 2014 - CHRC Board of Commissioners Meeting

At the last CHRC Commissioners meeting, the Board received presentations from the five Health Enterprise Zones detailing the following information:

  1. Progress towards reaching the core goals of year one.
  2. Identify challenges and suggest how the state can assist the Zone to address or overcome these challenges.
  3. Comments on the strategic plan and core goals for the program in year two.

The Zones presented to the Commission and responded to questions.
The power point presentations by each zone are linked below.

June 23rd, 2014 - Promoting Health Equity Webinar

The National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) co-hosted a webinar series entitled 'Promoting Health Equity through Programs and Policies.' Speakers included Dr. Carlessia A. Hussein, Director of Maryland State Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities; Michelle Spencer, Director of the Prevention and Health Promotion Administration at DHMH, and Mark Luckner, Executive Director at Maryland Community Health Resources Commission.

Key topics addressed by this webinar include:

  • Examples of policy and administrative levers that have initiated, facilitated, and/or supported efforts to promote equity through the Health Enterprise Zones and the Maryland Health
  • Improvement and Disparities Reduction Act.
  • Examples of partnerships that facilitated the implementation of the Health Enterprise Zones.
  • Strategies, resources, and tools used to promote equity through the Health Enterprise Zones.
  • Strategies for identifying opportunities to promote equity through programs or policies at the state level.

For more information on the co-hosts, the speakers and the webinar, visit here.

June 13th, 2014 - Maryland Health Quality & Cost Council Meeting

At the quarterly council meeting, Michelle Spencer, Director of the Prevention and Health Promotion Administration and Mark Luckner, CHRC Executive Director, presented on the status of HEZs. That presentation along with the meeting agenda can be viewed at the.

May 19th, 2014 - Health Enterprise Zone Conference

The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UM SOM) held a conference on May 19, entitled “Maryland Health Enterprise Zones (HEZ): Using Incentives to Drive Local Progress.” This unique event, supported with a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, brought together more than 200 local, state and national stakeholders to collaborate on ways to ensure health equality and improved health care for all Marylanders. The conference was held at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, Southern Management Corporation Campus Center. For the full press release, please.

April 1st, 2014 - Health Enterprise Zone Income Tax Credits are now available.

The Health Enterprise Zones (HEZ) Initiative provides a range of incentives to help attract new practitioners to underserved areas. These incentives include income tax credits, hiring tax credits, and loan repayment assistance. Eligible applicants are able to apply for income tax credits as of April 28, 2014. For more information about how to apply for income tax credits, please click here Hiring tax credits will be made available later this fall. Loan repayment assistance is also available, with applicants accepted in the spring and fall (the current spring cycle is March 1 through April 15, 2014). For more information about loan repayment assistance, please click here.

January 15th, 2014 - Health Enterprise Zones Annual Report Submitted.

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Community Health Resources Commission (the Commission) submitted the 2013 report for the first year of the Maryland Health Enterprise Zones (HEZ) Initiative. Click hereto view the Year 1 HEZ annual report.

Highlights of the first year of HEZ implementation include:

  • Across all five zones, a total of eight care delivery sites have been opened or expanded. All five Zones are now providing clinical and other support services.
  • The Zones articulated a collective year-one goal of recruiting 38 new health care practitioners and report the addition of 43 new practitioners, which include physicians, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses to deliver primary care services and licensed clinical social workers and a psychiatrist to deliver behavioral health services.
  • Four of the five HEZs have achieved their year-one practitioner recruitment goals. The Zones reported the creation of a collective total of 87 jobs during their first six months of operations. This total includes HEZ practitioners, community health workers, and other staff that will deliver care and support the goals of each HEZ.
  • The state is working with the Zones to collect and report patient clinical outcome data. All five Zones include a focus on diabetes; other clinical goals include cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and asthma.