DDA Eligibility Application

​​​​​Apply > Eligibility Application​

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) funds employment, day, residential and support services for people with developmental disabilities. In order for the DDA to determine whether a person is eligible for services, the person or someone acting on their behalf must complete an application for DDA services. For more details on the application process, including the steps in the application process and policies related to eligibility, please visit the Eligibility Application Process page​.

The DDA offers services to both children and adults. You can apply at any age.

DDA Application

​The DDA Application for Services can be downloaded from the DDA’s website, mailed to you, or you can pick one up from any of the DDA’s regional offices​​. The DDA staff at your regional office can help you complete the application.

The application can be filled in on your computer and then printed. It may also be downloaded to your computer if you wish to save a copy. Handwritten applications are also accepted. The complete signed application is to be forwarded to your DDA Regional Office​. The offices are listed on the last page of the application.

What to Know

DDA Advocacy Specialists can help you too. Advocacy Specialists have personal experience with resources like Social Security, MD Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS)​ and paratransit. They can share self-advocacy tips and talk to you about resources in the community. 

Regional Coordinators of Family Support (RCFS) can also help. They understand the issues and needs that families may face in caring for their family member with a disability. They are available to assist families with navigating the DDA services as well as other state and local resources, supports and services. 

Other things to know: 

  • ​​The DDA calls children ages 14 to 21, Transitioning Youth (TY). The DDA encourages Transitioning Youth to apply for DDA services while still in school. Applying while still in school will help make sure there is not a gap in services when youth leave school and need adult services.
  • The DDA’s Low Intensity Support Services (LISS)​ does not require this application.​​