
  • High levels of lead in your body, or lead poisoning, can seriously affect your health. 
  • People​ are exposed to lead when they touch, swallow, or breathe in lead or lead dust.​ 
  • Children less than six years old are at higher risk for lead poisoning because they put their hands and other things into their mouths. Also, their bodies are developing and they absorb lead more easily.
  • You can reduce your child's risk of lead poisoning by preventing exposure to lead and making sure your child is screened.

How to ​prevent lead poisoning:

  • Wash hands often.
  • Keep shoes outside.
  • Mop and wet wipe.
  • Vacuum with a filter.
  • Wash toys.
  • Eat healthy foods.
  • Buy toys made in the U.S.
  • Get water and soil tested.
  • Avoid other sources of lead:

            Lead can be found throughout a child’s environment Homes built before 1978 (when lead-based paints were banned) probably contain lead-based paint. When the paint peels and cracks, it makes lead dust. Children can be poisoned when they swallow or breathe in lead dust. Certain water pipes may contain lead. Lead can be found in some products such as toys and jewelry. Lead is sometimes in candies imported from other countries or traditional home remedies. Certain jobs and hobbies involve working with lead-based products, like stain glass work, and may cause parents to bring lead into the home. 

            There are programs to help some families reduce lead in their homes.

             Get Your Child Tested

            • All children in Maryland need to be tested for lead at 12 months and 24 months.

              • Lead testing is quick and easy and can be done with a fingerstick (capillary) or vein (venous) blood draw.
              • If your healthcare provider doesn’t test in their office, get a referral from your child’s provider and go to a lab for testing.
              • If you do not have insurance, contact Access Carroll at 410-871-1478.


            If Your Child’s Lead Level is High


            Additional Resources

            Short videos:
            Maryland Department of Health (English/Spanish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1ycx4DtPfY
            Unicef: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-crRQLn_p0 ​