MD Responds

Become a Member!

The Maryland Board of Morticians & Funeral Directors encourages you to become a member of MD Responds. Administered by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), Office of Preparedness and Response (OPR), MD Responds is the primary resource for emergency public health and medical volunteers for the State of Maryland. As an MD Responds volunteer, you will…

  • Gain access to a comprehensive emergency response and preparedness training program, with opportunities for continuing education credit and/or professional development;
  • Be protected by the State of Maryland worker’s compensation and liability coverage during activations;
  • Have the option to “choose” or “not choose” to be deployed in an emergency or disaster;
  • Have the opportunity to make a difference in your community.


Join MD Responds today! To register, visit The initial registration process will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. For more information about the MD Responds Program, call (410) 767-7772.​